Source code for isofit.configs.sections.instrument_config

#! /usr/bin/env python3
#  Copyright 2018 California Institute of Technology
#  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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# ISOFIT: Imaging Spectrometer Optimal FITting
# Author: Philip G. Brodrick,

import os
from typing import Dict, List, Type

from isofit.configs.base_config import BaseConfigSection
from isofit.configs.sections.statevector_config import StateVectorConfig

[docs] class InstrumentUnknowns(BaseConfigSection): """ Instrument Unknowns configuration. """ def __init__(self, sub_configdic: dict = None): self._channelized_radiometric_uncertainty_file_type = str self.channelized_radiometric_uncertainty_file = None self._uncorrelated_radiometric_uncertainty_type = float self.uncorrelated_radiometric_uncertainty = None self._wavelength_calibration_uncertainty_type = float self.wavelength_calibration_uncertainty = None self._stray_srf_uncertainty_type = float self.stray_srf_uncertainty = None self.set_config_options(sub_configdic) def _check_config_validity(self) -> List[str]: errors = list() file_params = [self.channelized_radiometric_uncertainty_file] for param in file_params: if param is not None: if os.path.isfile(param) is False: errors.append("Instrument unknown file: {} not found".format(param)) return errors
[docs] class InstrumentConfig(BaseConfigSection): """ Instrument configuration. """ def __init__(self, sub_configdic: dict = None): self._wavelength_file_type = str self.wavelength_file = None self._integrations_type = int self.integrations = None """Number of integrations comprising the measurement. Noise diminishes with the square root of this number. Applicable in concert with parametric_noise_file or pushbroom_noise_file""" self._unknowns_type = InstrumentUnknowns self.unknowns: InstrumentUnknowns = None self._fast_resample_type = bool self.fast_resample = True """bool: Approximates a complete resampling by a convolution with a uniform FWHM.""" self._statevector_type = StateVectorConfig self.statevector: StateVectorConfig = StateVectorConfig({}) self._SNR_type = float self.SNR = None """float: We have several ways to define the instrument noise. The simplest model is based on a single uniform SNR number that is signal-independnet and applied uniformly to all wavelengths""" self._parametric_noise_file_type = str self.parametric_noise_file = None """str: We have several ways to define the instrument noise. The second option is a parametric, signal- and wavelength- dependent noise function. This is given by a four-column ASCII Text file. Rows represent, respectively, the reference wavelength, and coefficients A, B, and C that define the noise-equivalent radiance via NeDL = A * sqrt(B+L) + C For the actual radiance L.""" self._pushbroom_noise_file_type = str self.pushbroom_noise_file = None """str: We have several ways to define the instrument noise. The third option is a full pushbroom noise model that specifies noise columns and covariances independently for each cross-track location via an ENVI-format binary data file.""" self._nedt_noise_file_type = str self.nedt_noise_file = None """str: We have several ways to define the instrument noise. The last is NEDT noise""" self.set_config_options(sub_configdic) # If necessary, initialize some blank options if self.statevector is None: self.statevector = StateVectorConfig({}) def _check_config_validity(self) -> List[str]: errors = list() noise_options = [ self.SNR, self.parametric_noise_file, self.pushbroom_noise_file, self.nedt_noise_file, ] used_noise_options = [x for x in noise_options if x is not None] if len(used_noise_options) == 0: errors.append("Instrument noise not defined.") if len(used_noise_options) > 1: errors.append( "Multiple instrument noise options selected - please choose only 1." ) file_params = [ self.parametric_noise_file, self.pushbroom_noise_file, self.nedt_noise_file, ] for param in file_params: if param is not None: if os.path.isfile(param) is False: errors.append("Instrument config file: {} not found".format(param)) return errors