
class tfLikeModel(input_file)[source]

Bases: object

leaky_re_lu(x, alpha=0.4)[source]
class SimulatedModtranRT(engine_config, lut_path='', lut_grid=None, wavelength_file=None, interpolator_style='mlg', build_interpolators=True, overwrite_interpolator=False, wl=[], fwhm=[])[source]

Bases: RadiativeTransferEngine

A hybrid surrogate-model and emulator of MODTRAN-like results. A description of the model can be found in:

P.G. Brodrick, D.R. Thompson, J.E. Fahlen, M.L. Eastwood, C.M. Sarture, S.R. Lundeen, W. Olson-Duvall, N. Carmon, and R.O. Green. Generalized radiative transfer emulation for imaging spectroscopy reflectance retrievals. Remote Sensing of Environment, 261:112476, 2021.doi: 10.1016/j.rse.2021.112476.

lut_quantities = {'rhoatm', 'sphalb', 'transm_down_dif', 'transm_down_difs', 'transm_up_difs', 'transm_up_dir'}

sRTMnet leverages 6S to simulate results which is best done before sRTMnet begins simulations itself


sRTMnet does not implement a makeSim because it leverages 6S as its simulator As such, preSim() to create 6S, readSim() to process the 6S results


Resamples the predicts produced by preSim to be saved in self.lut_path

get_L_atm(x_RT, geom)[source]
get_L_down_transmitted(x_RT, geom)[source]

Builds a configuration object for a 6S simulation using a MODTRAN template