Source code for isofit.utils.template_construction

#! /usr/bin/env python3
# Authors: Philip G. Brodrick and Niklas Bohn

import argparse
import json
import logging
import multiprocessing
import os
import subprocess
from datetime import datetime
from os.path import abspath, exists, join, split
from shutil import copyfile
from sys import platform
from typing import List

import netCDF4 as nc
import numpy as np
import utm
from sklearn import mixture
from import envi

from isofit.core import isofit
from isofit.core.common import envi_header, resample_spectrum

[docs] class Pathnames: """Class to determine and hold the large number of relative and absolute paths that are needed for isofit and MODTRAN configuration files. Args: args: an argparse Namespace object with all inputs """ def __init__(self, args): # Determine FID based on sensor name if args.sensor == "ang": self.fid = split(args.input_radiance)[-1][:18] elif args.sensor == "av3": self.fid = split(args.input_radiance)[-1][:18] elif args.sensor == "avcl": self.fid = split(args.input_radiance)[-1][:16] elif args.sensor == "emit": self.fid = split(args.input_radiance)[-1][:19] elif args.sensor == "enmap": self.fid = split(args.input_radiance)[-1].split("_")[5] elif args.sensor == "hyp": self.fid = split(args.input_radiance)[-1][:22] elif args.sensor == "neon": self.fid = split(args.input_radiance)[-1][:21] elif args.sensor == "prism": self.fid = split(args.input_radiance)[-1][:18] elif args.sensor == "prisma": self.fid = args.input_radiance.split("/")[-1].split("_")[1] elif args.sensor == "gao": self.fid = split(args.input_radiance)[-1][:23] elif args.sensor[:3] == "NA-": self.fid = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(args.input_radiance))[0]"Flightline ID: %s" % self.fid) # Names from inputs self.aerosol_climatology = args.aerosol_climatology_path self.input_radiance_file = args.input_radiance self.input_loc_file = args.input_loc self.input_obs_file = args.input_obs self.working_directory = abspath(args.working_directory) self.full_lut_directory = abspath(join(self.working_directory, "lut_full/")) if args.surface_path: self.surface_path = args.surface_path else: self.surface_path = os.getenv("ISOFIT_SURFACE_MODEL") if self.surface_path is None:"No surface model defined") # set up some sub-directories self.lut_h2o_directory = abspath(join(self.working_directory, "lut_h2o/")) self.config_directory = abspath(join(self.working_directory, "config/")) self.data_directory = abspath(join(self.working_directory, "data/")) self.input_data_directory = abspath(join(self.working_directory, "input/")) self.output_directory = abspath(join(self.working_directory, "output/")) # define all output names rdn_fname = self.fid + "_rdn" self.rfl_working_path = abspath( join(self.output_directory, rdn_fname.replace("_rdn", "_rfl")) ) self.uncert_working_path = abspath( join(self.output_directory, rdn_fname.replace("_rdn", "_uncert")) ) self.lbl_working_path = abspath( join(self.output_directory, rdn_fname.replace("_rdn", "_lbl")) ) self.state_working_path = abspath( join(self.output_directory, rdn_fname.replace("_rdn", "_state")) ) self.surface_working_path = abspath(join(self.data_directory, "surface.mat")) if args.copy_input_files is True: self.radiance_working_path = abspath( join(self.input_data_directory, rdn_fname) ) self.obs_working_path = abspath( join(self.input_data_directory, self.fid + "_obs") ) self.loc_working_path = abspath( join(self.input_data_directory, self.fid + "_loc") ) else: self.radiance_working_path = abspath(self.input_radiance_file) self.obs_working_path = abspath(self.input_obs_file) self.loc_working_path = abspath(self.input_loc_file) if args.channelized_uncertainty_path: self.input_channelized_uncertainty_path = args.channelized_uncertainty_path else: self.input_channelized_uncertainty_path = os.getenv( "ISOFIT_CHANNELIZED_UNCERTAINTY" ) self.channelized_uncertainty_working_path = abspath( join(self.data_directory, "channelized_uncertainty.txt") ) if args.model_discrepancy_path: self.input_model_discrepancy_path = args.model_discrepancy_path else: self.input_model_discrepancy_path = None self.model_discrepancy_working_path = abspath( join(self.data_directory, "model_discrepancy.mat") ) self.rdn_subs_path = abspath( join(self.input_data_directory, self.fid + "_subs_rdn") ) self.obs_subs_path = abspath( join(self.input_data_directory, self.fid + "_subs_obs") ) self.loc_subs_path = abspath( join(self.input_data_directory, self.fid + "_subs_loc") ) self.rfl_subs_path = abspath( join(self.output_directory, self.fid + "_subs_rfl") ) self.atm_coeff_path = abspath( join(self.output_directory, self.fid + "_subs_atm") ) self.state_subs_path = abspath( join(self.output_directory, self.fid + "_subs_state") ) self.uncert_subs_path = abspath( join(self.output_directory, self.fid + "_subs_uncert") ) self.h2o_subs_path = abspath( join(self.output_directory, self.fid + "_subs_h2o") ) self.wavelength_path = abspath(join(self.data_directory, "wavelengths.txt")) self.modtran_template_path = abspath( join(self.config_directory, self.fid + "_modtran_tpl.json") ) self.h2o_template_path = abspath( join(self.config_directory, self.fid + "_h2o_tpl.json") ) self.isofit_full_config_path = abspath( join(self.config_directory, self.fid + "_isofit.json") ) self.h2o_config_path = abspath( join(self.config_directory, self.fid + "_h2o.json") ) if args.modtran_path: self.modtran_path = args.modtran_path else: self.modtran_path = os.getenv("MODTRAN_DIR") self.sixs_path = os.getenv("SIXS_DIR") if os.getenv("ISOFIT_DIR"): self.isofit_path = os.getenv("ISOFIT_DIR") else: # isofit file should live at isofit/isofit/core/ self.isofit_path = os.path.dirname( os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(isofit.__file__)) ) if args.sensor == "avcl": self.noise_path = join(self.isofit_path, "data", "avirisc_noise.txt") elif args.sensor == "emit": self.noise_path = join(self.isofit_path, "data", "emit_noise.txt") if self.input_channelized_uncertainty_path is None: self.input_channelized_uncertainty_path = join( self.isofit_path, "data", "emit_osf_uncertainty.txt" ) if self.input_model_discrepancy_path is None: self.input_model_discrepancy_path = join( self.isofit_path, "data", "emit_model_discrepancy.mat" ) elif args.sensor == "av3": self.noise_path = None"no noise path found, proceeding without") if self.input_channelized_uncertainty_path is None: self.input_channelized_uncertainty_path = join( self.isofit_path, "data", "av3_osf_uncertainty.txt" ) else: self.noise_path = None"no noise path found, proceeding without") # quit() self.earth_sun_distance_path = abspath( join(self.isofit_path, "data", "earth_sun_distance.txt") ) self.irradiance_file = abspath( join( self.isofit_path, "examples", "20151026_SantaMonica", "data", "prism_optimized_irr.dat", ) ) self.aerosol_tpl_path = join(self.isofit_path, "data", "aerosol_template.json") self.rdn_factors_path = None if args.rdn_factors_path is not None: self.rdn_factors_path = abspath(args.rdn_factors_path) self.ray_temp_dir = args.ray_temp_dir
[docs] def make_directories(self): """Build required subdirectories inside working_directory""" for dpath in [ self.working_directory, self.lut_h2o_directory, self.full_lut_directory, self.config_directory, self.data_directory, self.input_data_directory, self.output_directory, ]: if not exists(dpath): os.mkdir(dpath)
[docs] def stage_files(self): """Stage data files by copying into working directory""" files_to_stage = [ (self.input_radiance_file, self.radiance_working_path, True), (self.input_obs_file, self.obs_working_path, True), (self.input_loc_file, self.loc_working_path, True), (self.surface_path, self.surface_working_path, False), ( self.input_channelized_uncertainty_path, self.channelized_uncertainty_working_path, False, ), ( self.input_model_discrepancy_path, self.model_discrepancy_working_path, False, ), ] for src, dst, hasheader in files_to_stage: if src is None: continue if not exists(dst):"Staging %s to %s" % (src, dst)) copyfile(src, dst) if hasheader: copyfile(envi_header(src), envi_header(dst))
class SerialEncoder(json.JSONEncoder): """Encoder for json to help ensure json objects can be passed to the workflow manager.""" def default(self, obj): if isinstance(obj, np.integer): return int(obj) elif isinstance(obj, np.floating): return float(obj) else: return super(SerialEncoder, self).default(obj)
[docs] class LUTConfig: """A look up table class, containing default grid options. All properties may be overridden with the optional input configuration file path Args: lut_config_file: configuration file to override default values """ def __init__(self, lut_config_file: str = None, emulator: bool = False): if lut_config_file is not None: with open(lut_config_file, "r") as f: lut_config = json.load(f) # For each element, set the look up table spacing (lut_spacing) as the # anticipated spacing value, or 0 to use a single point (not LUT). # Set the 'lut_spacing_min' as the minimum distance allowed - if separation # does not meet this threshold based on the available data, on a single # point will be used. # Units of kilometers self.elevation_spacing = 0.25 self.elevation_spacing_min = 0.2 # Units of g / m2 self.h2o_spacing = 0.25 self.h2o_spacing_min = 0.03 # Special parameter to specify the minimum allowable water vapor value in g / m2 self.h2o_min = 0.05 # Set defaults, will override based on settings # Units of g / m2 self.h2o_range = [0.05, 5] # Units of degrees self.to_sensor_zenith_spacing = 10 self.to_sensor_zenith_spacing_min = 2 # Units of degrees self.to_sun_zenith_spacing = 10 self.to_sun_zenith_spacing_min = 2 # Units of degrees self.relative_azimuth_spacing = 60 self.relative_azimuth_spacing_min = 25 # Units of AOD self.aerosol_0_spacing = 0 self.aerosol_0_spacing_min = 0 # Units of AOD self.aerosol_1_spacing = 0 self.aerosol_1_spacing_min = 0 # Units of AOD self.aerosol_2_spacing = 0.1 self.aerosol_2_spacing_min = 0 # Units of AOD self.aerosol_0_range = [0.001, 1] self.aerosol_1_range = [0.001, 1] self.aerosol_2_range = [0.001, 1] self.aot_550_range = [0.001, 1] self.aot_550_spacing = 0 self.aot_550_spacing_min = 0 # overwrite anything that comes in from the config file if lut_config_file is not None: for key in lut_config: if key in self.__dict__: setattr(self, key, lut_config[key]) if emulator: self.aot_550_range = self.aerosol_2_range self.aot_550_spacing = self.aerosol_2_spacing self.aot_550_spacing_min = self.aerosol_2_spacing_min self.aerosol_2_spacing = 0
[docs] def get_grid( self, minval: float, maxval: float, spacing: float, min_spacing: float ): if spacing == 0: logging.debug("Grid spacing set at 0, using no grid.") return None num_gridpoints = int(np.ceil((maxval - minval) / spacing)) + 1 grid = np.linspace(minval, maxval, num_gridpoints) if min_spacing > 0.0001: grid = np.round(grid, 4) if len(grid) == 1: logging.debug( f"Grid spacing is 0, which is less than {min_spacing}. No grid used" ) return None elif np.abs(grid[1] - grid[0]) < min_spacing: logging.debug( f"Grid spacing is {grid[1]-grid[0]}, which is less than {min_spacing}. " " No grid used" ) return None else: return grid
[docs] def get_angular_grid( self, angle_data_input: np.array, spacing: float, min_spacing: float, units: str = "d", ): """Find either angular data 'center points' (num_points = 1), or a lut set that spans angle variation in a systematic fashion. Args: angle_data_input: set of angle data to use to find center points spacing: the desired angular spacing between points, or mean if -1 min_spacing: the minimum angular spacing between points allowed (if less, no grid) units: specifies if data are in degrees (default) or radians :Returns: angular data center point or lut set spanning space """ if spacing == 0: logging.debug("Grid spacing set at 0, using no grid.") return None # Convert everything to radians so we don't have to track throughout if units == "r": angle_data = np.rad2deg(angle_data_input) else: angle_data = angle_data_input.copy() spatial_data = np.hstack( [ np.cos(np.deg2rad(angle_data)).reshape(-1, 1), np.sin(np.deg2rad(angle_data)).reshape(-1, 1), ] ) # find which quadrants have data quadrants = np.zeros((2, 2)) if np.any(np.logical_and(spatial_data[:, 0] > 0, spatial_data[:, 1] > 0)): quadrants[1, 0] = 1 if np.any(np.logical_and(spatial_data[:, 0] > 0, spatial_data[:, 1] < 0)): quadrants[1, 1] += 1 if np.any(np.logical_and(spatial_data[:, 0] < 0, spatial_data[:, 1] > 0)): quadrants[0, 0] += 1 if np.any(np.logical_and(spatial_data[:, 0] < 0, spatial_data[:, 1] < 0)): quadrants[0, 1] += 1 # Handle the case where angles are < 180 degrees apart if np.sum(quadrants) < 3 and spacing != -1: if np.sum(quadrants[1, :]) == 2: # If angles cross the 0-degree line: angle_spread = self.get_grid( np.min(angle_data + 180), np.max(angle_data + 180), spacing, min_spacing, ) if angle_spread is None: return None else: return angle_spread - 180 else: # Otherwise, just space things out: return self.get_grid( np.min(angle_data), np.max(angle_data), spacing, min_spacing ) else: if spacing >= 180: logging.warning( f"Requested angle spacing is {spacing}, but obs angle divergence is" " > 180. Tighter spacing recommended" ) # If we're greater than 180 degree spread, there's no universal answer. Try GMM. if spacing == -1: num_points = 1 else: # This very well might overly space the grid, but we don't / can't know in general num_points = int(np.ceil(360 / spacing)) # We initialize the GMM with a static seed for repeatability across runs gmm = mixture.GaussianMixture( n_components=num_points, covariance_type="full", random_state=1 ) if spatial_data.shape[0] == 1: spatial_data = np.vstack([spatial_data, spatial_data]) # Protect memory against huge images if spatial_data.shape[0] > 1e6: use = np.linspace(0, spatial_data.shape[0] - 1, int(1e6), dtype=int) spatial_data = spatial_data[use, :] central_angles = np.degrees(np.arctan2(gmm.means_[:, 1], gmm.means_[:, 0])) if num_points == 1: return central_angles[0] ca_quadrants = np.zeros((2, 2)) if np.any(np.logical_and(gmm.means_[:, 0] > 0, gmm.means_[:, 1] > 0)): ca_quadrants[1, 0] = 1 elif np.any(np.logical_and(gmm.means_[:, 0] > 0, gmm.means_[:, 1] < 0)): ca_quadrants[1, 1] += 1 elif np.any(np.logical_and(gmm.means_[:, 0] < 0, gmm.means_[:, 1] > 0)): ca_quadrants[0, 0] += 1 elif np.any(np.logical_and(gmm.means_[:, 0] < 0, gmm.means_[:, 1] < 0)): ca_quadrants[0, 1] += 1 if np.sum(ca_quadrants) < np.sum(quadrants): logging.warning( f"GMM angles {central_angles} span" f" {np.sum(ca_quadrants)} quadrants, while data spans" f" {np.sum(ca_quadrants)} quadrants" ) return central_angles
[docs] class SerialEncoder(json.JSONEncoder): """Encoder for json to help ensure json objects can be passed to the workflow manager."""
[docs] def default(self, obj): if isinstance(obj, np.integer): return int(obj) elif isinstance(obj, np.floating): return float(obj) else: return super(SerialEncoder, self).default(obj)
[docs] def get_grid(minval: float, maxval: float, spacing: float, min_spacing: float): if spacing == 0: logging.debug("Grid spacing set at 0, using no grid.") return None num_gridpoints = int(np.ceil((maxval - minval) / spacing)) + 1 grid = np.linspace(minval, maxval, num_gridpoints) if min_spacing > 0.0001: grid = np.round(grid, 4) if len(grid) == 1: logging.debug( f"Grid spacing is 0, which is less than {min_spacing}. No grid used" ) return None elif np.abs(grid[1] - grid[0]) < min_spacing: logging.debug( f"Grid spacing is {grid[1] - grid[0]}, which is less than {min_spacing}. " " No grid used" ) return None else: return grid
[docs] def get_angular_grid( angle_data_input: np.array, spacing: float, min_spacing: float, units: str = "d" ): """Find either angular data "center points" (num_points = 1), or a lut set that spans angle variation in a systematic fashion. Args: angle_data_input: set of angle data to use to find center points spacing: the desired angular spacing between points, or mean if -1 min_spacing: the minimum angular spacing between points allowed (if less, no grid) units: specifies if data are in degrees (default) or radians :Returns: angular data center point or lut set spanning space """ if spacing == 0: logging.debug("Grid spacing set at 0, using no grid.") return None # Convert everything to radians so we don"t have to track throughout if units == "r": angle_data = np.rad2deg(angle_data_input) else: angle_data = angle_data_input.copy() spatial_data = np.hstack( [ np.cos(np.deg2rad(angle_data)).reshape(-1, 1), np.sin(np.deg2rad(angle_data)).reshape(-1, 1), ] ) # find which quadrants have data quadrants = np.zeros((2, 2)) if np.any(np.logical_and(spatial_data[:, 0] > 0, spatial_data[:, 1] > 0)): quadrants[1, 0] = 1 if np.any(np.logical_and(spatial_data[:, 0] > 0, spatial_data[:, 1] < 0)): quadrants[1, 1] += 1 if np.any(np.logical_and(spatial_data[:, 0] < 0, spatial_data[:, 1] > 0)): quadrants[0, 0] += 1 if np.any(np.logical_and(spatial_data[:, 0] < 0, spatial_data[:, 1] < 0)): quadrants[0, 1] += 1 # Handle the case where angles are < 180 degrees apart if np.sum(quadrants) < 3 and spacing != -1: if np.sum(quadrants[1, :]) == 2: # If angles cross the 0-degree line: angle_spread = get_grid( np.min(angle_data + 180), np.max(angle_data + 180), spacing, min_spacing ) if angle_spread is None: return None else: return angle_spread - 180 else: # Otherwise, just space things out: return get_grid( np.min(angle_data), np.max(angle_data), spacing, min_spacing ) else: if spacing >= 180: logging.warning( f"Requested angle spacing is {spacing}, but obs angle divergence is >" " 180. Tighter spacing recommended" ) # If we"re greater than 180 degree spread, there"s no universal answer. Try GMM. if spacing == -1: num_points = 1 else: # This very well might overly space the grid, but we don"t / can"t know in general num_points = int(np.ceil(360 / spacing)) # We initialize the GMM with a static seed for repeatability across runs gmm = mixture.GaussianMixture( n_components=num_points, covariance_type="full", random_state=1 ) if spatial_data.shape[0] == 1: spatial_data = np.vstack([spatial_data, spatial_data]) # Protect memory against huge images if spatial_data.shape[0] > 1e6: use = np.linspace(0, spatial_data.shape[0] - 1, int(1e6), dtype=int) spatial_data = spatial_data[use, :] central_angles = np.degrees(np.arctan2(gmm.means_[:, 1], gmm.means_[:, 0])) if num_points == 1: return central_angles[0] ca_quadrants = np.zeros((2, 2)) if np.any(np.logical_and(gmm.means_[:, 0] > 0, gmm.means_[:, 1] > 0)): ca_quadrants[1, 0] = 1 elif np.any(np.logical_and(gmm.means_[:, 0] > 0, gmm.means_[:, 1] < 0)): ca_quadrants[1, 1] += 1 elif np.any(np.logical_and(gmm.means_[:, 0] < 0, gmm.means_[:, 1] > 0)): ca_quadrants[0, 0] += 1 elif np.any(np.logical_and(gmm.means_[:, 0] < 0, gmm.means_[:, 1] < 0)): ca_quadrants[0, 1] += 1 if np.sum(ca_quadrants) < np.sum(quadrants): logging.warning( f"GMM angles {central_angles} span {np.sum(ca_quadrants)} quadrants, " f"while data spans {np.sum(quadrants)} quadrants" ) return central_angles
[docs] def build_surface_config( macro_config: dict, flight_id: str, output_path: str, wvl_file: str ): """Write a surface config file, using the specified pathnames and all given info. Args: macro_config: dictionary of macro options for surface model flight_id: string of instrument specific flight identification number output_path: output directory for surface config file wvl_file: directory of instrument wavelength file """ if not macro_config["output_model_file"]: surface_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(output_path, "surface.mat")) macro_config["output_model_file"] = surface_path if not macro_config["wavelength_file"]: macro_config["wavelength_file"] = wvl_file surface_config = macro_config output_config_name = os.path.join(output_path, flight_id + "_surface.json") with open(output_config_name, "w") as fout: fout.write( json.dumps(surface_config, cls=SerialEncoder, indent=4, sort_keys=True) )
[docs] def build_presolve_config( paths: Pathnames, h2o_lut_grid: np.array, n_cores: int = -1, use_emp_line: bool = False, surface_category="multicomponent_surface", emulator_base: str = None, uncorrelated_radiometric_uncertainty: float = 0.0, segmentation_size: int = 400, debug: bool = False, inversion_windows=[[350.0, 1360.0], [1410, 1800.0], [1970.0, 2500.0]], prebuilt_lut_path: str = None, ) -> None: """Write an isofit config file for a presolve, with limited info. Args: paths: object containing references to all relevant file locations h2o_lut_grid: the water vapor look up table grid isofit should use for this solve n_cores: number of cores to use in processing use_emp_line: flag whether or not to set up for the empirical line estimation surface_category: type of surface to use emulator_base: the basename of the emulator, if used uncorrelated_radiometric_uncertainty: uncorrelated radiometric uncertainty parameter for isofit segmentation_size: image segmentation size if empirical line is used debug: flag to enable debug_mode in the config.implementation lut_path: lut path to use; if none, presolve config will create a new file """ # Determine number of spectra included in each retrieval. If we are # operating on segments, this will average down instrument noise if use_emp_line: spectra_per_inversion = segmentation_size else: spectra_per_inversion = 1 if emulator_base is None: engine_name = "modtran" else: engine_name = "sRTMnet" if prebuilt_lut_path is None: lut_path = join(paths.lut_h2o_directory, "") else: lut_path = prebuilt_lut_path radiative_transfer_config = { "radiative_transfer_engines": { "vswir": { "engine_name": engine_name, "lut_path": lut_path, "sim_path": paths.lut_h2o_directory, "template_file": paths.h2o_template_path, "lut_names": {"H2OSTR": get_lut_subset(h2o_lut_grid)}, "statevector_names": ["H2OSTR"], } }, "statevector": { "H2OSTR": { "bounds": [float(np.min(h2o_lut_grid)), float(np.max(h2o_lut_grid))], "scale": 0.01, "init": np.percentile(h2o_lut_grid, 25), "prior_sigma": 100.0, "prior_mean": 1.5, } }, "lut_grid": { "H2OSTR": [float(x) for x in h2o_lut_grid], }, "unknowns": {"H2O_ABSCO": 0.0}, } if emulator_base is not None: radiative_transfer_config["radiative_transfer_engines"]["vswir"][ "emulator_file" ] = abspath(emulator_base) radiative_transfer_config["radiative_transfer_engines"]["vswir"][ "emulator_aux_file" ] = abspath(os.path.splitext(emulator_base)[0] + "_aux.npz") radiative_transfer_config["radiative_transfer_engines"]["vswir"][ "interpolator_base_path" ] = abspath( os.path.join( paths.lut_h2o_directory, os.path.basename(emulator_base) + "_vi" ) ) radiative_transfer_config["radiative_transfer_engines"]["vswir"][ "earth_sun_distance_file" ] = paths.earth_sun_distance_path radiative_transfer_config["radiative_transfer_engines"]["vswir"][ "irradiance_file" ] = paths.irradiance_file radiative_transfer_config["radiative_transfer_engines"]["vswir"][ "engine_base_dir" ] = paths.sixs_path else: radiative_transfer_config["radiative_transfer_engines"]["vswir"][ "engine_base_dir" ] = paths.modtran_path # make isofit configuration isofit_config_h2o = { "ISOFIT_base": paths.isofit_path, "output": {"estimated_state_file": paths.h2o_subs_path}, "input": {}, "forward_model": { "instrument": { "wavelength_file": paths.wavelength_path, "integrations": spectra_per_inversion, "unknowns": { "uncorrelated_radiometric_uncertainty": uncorrelated_radiometric_uncertainty }, }, "surface": { "surface_category": surface_category, "surface_file": paths.surface_working_path, "select_on_init": True, }, "radiative_transfer": radiative_transfer_config, }, "implementation": { "ray_temp_dir": paths.ray_temp_dir, "inversion": {"windows": inversion_windows}, "n_cores": n_cores, "debug_mode": debug, }, } if paths.input_channelized_uncertainty_path is not None: isofit_config_h2o["forward_model"]["instrument"]["unknowns"][ "channelized_radiometric_uncertainty_file" ] = paths.channelized_uncertainty_working_path if paths.input_model_discrepancy_path is not None: isofit_config_h2o["forward_model"][ "model_discrepancy_file" ] = paths.model_discrepancy_working_path if paths.noise_path is not None: isofit_config_h2o["forward_model"]["instrument"][ "parametric_noise_file" ] = paths.noise_path else: isofit_config_h2o["forward_model"]["instrument"]["SNR"] = 1000 if paths.rdn_factors_path: isofit_config_h2o["input"][ "radiometry_correction_file" ] = paths.rdn_factors_path if use_emp_line: isofit_config_h2o["input"]["measured_radiance_file"] = paths.rdn_subs_path isofit_config_h2o["input"]["loc_file"] = paths.loc_subs_path isofit_config_h2o["input"]["obs_file"] = paths.obs_subs_path else: isofit_config_h2o["input"][ "measured_radiance_file" ] = paths.radiance_working_path isofit_config_h2o["input"]["loc_file"] = paths.loc_working_path isofit_config_h2o["input"]["obs_file"] = paths.obs_working_path # write modtran_template with open(paths.h2o_config_path, "w") as fout: fout.write( json.dumps(isofit_config_h2o, cls=SerialEncoder, indent=4, sort_keys=True) )
[docs] def build_main_config( paths: Pathnames, lut_params: LUTConfig, h2o_lut_grid: np.array = None, elevation_lut_grid: np.array = None, to_sensor_zenith_lut_grid: np.array = None, to_sun_zenith_lut_grid: np.array = None, relative_azimuth_lut_grid: np.array = None, mean_latitude: float = None, mean_longitude: float = None, dt: datetime = None, use_emp_line: bool = True, n_cores: int = -1, surface_category="multicomponent_surface", emulator_base: str = None, uncorrelated_radiometric_uncertainty: float = 0.0, multiple_restarts: bool = False, segmentation_size=400, pressure_elevation: bool = False, debug: bool = False, inversion_windows=[[350.0, 1360.0], [1410, 1800.0], [1970.0, 2500.0]], prebuilt_lut_path: str = None, ) -> None: """Write an isofit config file for the main solve, using the specified pathnames and all given info Args: paths: object containing references to all relevant file locations lut_params: configuration parameters for the lut grid h2o_lut_grid: the water vapor look up table grid isofit should use for this solve elevation_lut_grid: the ground elevation look up table grid isofit should use for this solve to_sensor_zenith_lut_grid: the to-sensor zenith angle look up table grid isofit should use for this solve to_sun_zenith_lut_grid: the to-sun zenith angle look up table grid isofit should use for this solve relative_azimuth_lut_grid: the relative to-sun azimuth angle look up table grid isofit should use for this solve mean_latitude: the latitude isofit should use for this solve mean_longitude: the longitude isofit should use for this solve dt: the datetime object corresponding to this flightline to use for this solve use_emp_line: flag whether or not to set up for the empirical line estimation n_cores: the number of cores to use during processing surface_category: type of surface to use emulator_base: the basename of the emulator, if used uncorrelated_radiometric_uncertainty: uncorrelated radiometric uncertainty parameter for isofit multiple_restarts: if true, use multiple restarts segmentation_size: image segmentation size if empirical line is used pressure_elevation: if true, retrieve pressure elevation debug: if true, run ISOFIT in debug mode """ # Determine number of spectra included in each retrieval. If we are # operating on segments, this will average down instrument noise if use_emp_line: spectra_per_inversion = segmentation_size else: spectra_per_inversion = 1 if prebuilt_lut_path is None: lut_path = join(paths.full_lut_directory, "") else: lut_path = abspath(prebuilt_lut_path) if emulator_base is None: engine_name = "modtran" else: engine_name = "sRTMnet" radiative_transfer_config = { "radiative_transfer_engines": { "vswir": { "engine_name": engine_name, "sim_path": paths.full_lut_directory, "lut_path": lut_path, "aerosol_template_file": paths.aerosol_tpl_path, "template_file": paths.modtran_template_path, # lut_names - populated below # statevector_names - populated below } }, "statevector": {}, "lut_grid": {}, "unknowns": {"H2O_ABSCO": 0.0}, } if h2o_lut_grid is not None: radiative_transfer_config["statevector"]["H2OSTR"] = { "bounds": [h2o_lut_grid[0], h2o_lut_grid[-1]], "scale": 1, "init": (h2o_lut_grid[1] + h2o_lut_grid[-1]) / 2.0, "prior_sigma": 100.0, "prior_mean": (h2o_lut_grid[1] + h2o_lut_grid[-1]) / 2.0, } if pressure_elevation: radiative_transfer_config["statevector"]["surface_elevation_km"] = { "bounds": [elevation_lut_grid[0], elevation_lut_grid[-1]], "scale": 100, "init": (elevation_lut_grid[0] + elevation_lut_grid[-1]) / 2.0, "prior_sigma": 1000.0, "prior_mean": (elevation_lut_grid[0] + elevation_lut_grid[-1]) / 2.0, } if emulator_base is not None: radiative_transfer_config["radiative_transfer_engines"]["vswir"][ "emulator_file" ] = abspath(emulator_base) radiative_transfer_config["radiative_transfer_engines"]["vswir"][ "emulator_aux_file" ] = abspath(os.path.splitext(emulator_base)[0] + "_aux.npz") radiative_transfer_config["radiative_transfer_engines"]["vswir"][ "interpolator_base_path" ] = abspath( os.path.join( paths.full_lut_directory, os.path.basename(os.path.splitext(emulator_base)[0]) + "_vi", ) ) radiative_transfer_config["radiative_transfer_engines"]["vswir"][ "earth_sun_distance_file" ] = paths.earth_sun_distance_path radiative_transfer_config["radiative_transfer_engines"]["vswir"][ "irradiance_file" ] = paths.irradiance_file radiative_transfer_config["radiative_transfer_engines"]["vswir"][ "engine_base_dir" ] = paths.sixs_path else: radiative_transfer_config["radiative_transfer_engines"]["vswir"][ "engine_base_dir" ] = paths.modtran_path # add aerosol elements from climatology aerosol_state_vector, aerosol_lut_grid, aerosol_model_path = load_climatology( paths.aerosol_climatology, mean_latitude, mean_longitude, dt, paths.isofit_path, lut_params=lut_params, ) radiative_transfer_config["statevector"].update(aerosol_state_vector) radiative_transfer_config["radiative_transfer_engines"]["vswir"][ "aerosol_model_file" ] = aerosol_model_path if prebuilt_lut_path is None: if h2o_lut_grid is not None: radiative_transfer_config["lut_grid"]["H2OSTR"] = h2o_lut_grid.tolist() if elevation_lut_grid is not None and len(elevation_lut_grid) > 1: radiative_transfer_config["lut_grid"][ "surface_elevation_km" ] = elevation_lut_grid.tolist() if to_sensor_zenith_lut_grid is not None and len(to_sensor_zenith_lut_grid) > 1: radiative_transfer_config["lut_grid"][ "observer_zenith" ] = to_sensor_zenith_lut_grid.tolist() # modtran convention if to_sun_zenith_lut_grid is not None and len(to_sun_zenith_lut_grid) > 1: radiative_transfer_config["lut_grid"][ "solar_zenith" ] = to_sun_zenith_lut_grid.tolist() if relative_azimuth_lut_grid is not None and len(relative_azimuth_lut_grid) > 1: radiative_transfer_config["lut_grid"][ "relative_azimuth" ] = relative_azimuth_lut_grid.tolist() radiative_transfer_config["lut_grid"].update(aerosol_lut_grid) rtc_ln = {} for key in radiative_transfer_config["lut_grid"].keys(): rtc_ln[key] = None radiative_transfer_config["radiative_transfer_engines"]["vswir"][ "lut_names" ] = rtc_ln if prebuilt_lut_path is not None: ncds = nc.Dataset(prebuilt_lut_path, "r") radiative_transfer_config["radiative_transfer_engines"]["vswir"]["lut_names"][ "H2OSTR" ] = get_lut_subset(h2o_lut_grid) radiative_transfer_config["radiative_transfer_engines"]["vswir"]["lut_names"][ "surface_elevation_km" ] = get_lut_subset(elevation_lut_grid) radiative_transfer_config["radiative_transfer_engines"]["vswir"]["lut_names"][ "observer_zenith" ] = get_lut_subset(to_sensor_zenith_lut_grid) radiative_transfer_config["radiative_transfer_engines"]["vswir"]["lut_names"][ "solar_zenith" ] = get_lut_subset(to_sun_zenith_lut_grid) radiative_transfer_config["radiative_transfer_engines"]["vswir"]["lut_names"][ "relative_azimuth" ] = get_lut_subset(relative_azimuth_lut_grid) for key in aerosol_lut_grid.keys(): radiative_transfer_config["radiative_transfer_engines"]["vswir"][ "lut_names" ][key] = get_lut_subset(aerosol_lut_grid[key]) rm_keys = [] for key, item in radiative_transfer_config["radiative_transfer_engines"][ "vswir" ]["lut_names"].items(): if key not in ncds.variables: logging.warning( f"Key {key} not found in prebuilt LUT, removing it from LUT. Spacing would have been: {item}" ) rm_keys.append(key) for key in rm_keys: del radiative_transfer_config["radiative_transfer_engines"]["vswir"][ "lut_names" ][key] # MODTRAN should know about our whole LUT grid and all of our statevectors, so copy them in radiative_transfer_config["radiative_transfer_engines"]["vswir"][ "statevector_names" ] = list(radiative_transfer_config["statevector"].keys()) # make isofit configuration isofit_config_modtran = { "ISOFIT_base": paths.isofit_path, "input": {}, "output": {}, "forward_model": { "instrument": { "wavelength_file": paths.wavelength_path, "integrations": spectra_per_inversion, "unknowns": { "uncorrelated_radiometric_uncertainty": uncorrelated_radiometric_uncertainty }, }, "surface": { "surface_file": paths.surface_working_path, "surface_category": surface_category, "select_on_init": True, }, "radiative_transfer": radiative_transfer_config, }, "implementation": { "ray_temp_dir": paths.ray_temp_dir, "inversion": {"windows": inversion_windows}, "n_cores": n_cores, "debug_mode": debug, }, } if use_emp_line: isofit_config_modtran["input"]["measured_radiance_file"] = paths.rdn_subs_path isofit_config_modtran["input"]["loc_file"] = paths.loc_subs_path isofit_config_modtran["input"]["obs_file"] = paths.obs_subs_path isofit_config_modtran["output"]["estimated_state_file"] = paths.state_subs_path isofit_config_modtran["output"][ "posterior_uncertainty_file" ] = paths.uncert_subs_path isofit_config_modtran["output"][ "estimated_reflectance_file" ] = paths.rfl_subs_path isofit_config_modtran["output"][ "atmospheric_coefficients_file" ] = paths.atm_coeff_path else: isofit_config_modtran["input"][ "measured_radiance_file" ] = paths.radiance_working_path isofit_config_modtran["input"]["loc_file"] = paths.loc_working_path isofit_config_modtran["input"]["obs_file"] = paths.obs_working_path isofit_config_modtran["output"][ "posterior_uncertainty_file" ] = paths.uncert_working_path isofit_config_modtran["output"][ "estimated_reflectance_file" ] = paths.rfl_working_path isofit_config_modtran["output"][ "estimated_state_file" ] = paths.state_working_path if multiple_restarts: grid = {} if h2o_lut_grid is not None: h2o_delta = float(h2o_lut_grid[-1]) - float(h2o_lut_grid[0]) grid["H2OSTR"] = [ round(h2o_lut_grid[0] + h2o_delta * 0.02, 4), round(h2o_lut_grid[-1] - h2o_delta * 0.02, 4), ] # We will initialize using different AODs for the first aerosol in the LUT if len(aerosol_lut_grid) > 0: key = list(aerosol_lut_grid.keys())[0] aer_delta = aerosol_lut_grid[key][-1] - aerosol_lut_grid[key][0] grid[key] = [ round(aerosol_lut_grid[key][0] + aer_delta * 0.02, 4), round(aerosol_lut_grid[key][-1] - aer_delta * 0.02, 4), ] isofit_config_modtran["implementation"]["inversion"]["integration_grid"] = grid isofit_config_modtran["implementation"]["inversion"][ "inversion_grid_as_preseed" ] = True if paths.input_channelized_uncertainty_path is not None: isofit_config_modtran["forward_model"]["instrument"]["unknowns"][ "channelized_radiometric_uncertainty_file" ] = paths.channelized_uncertainty_working_path if paths.input_model_discrepancy_path is not None: isofit_config_modtran["forward_model"][ "model_discrepancy_file" ] = paths.model_discrepancy_working_path if paths.noise_path is not None: isofit_config_modtran["forward_model"]["instrument"][ "parametric_noise_file" ] = paths.noise_path else: isofit_config_modtran["forward_model"]["instrument"]["SNR"] = 500 if paths.rdn_factors_path: isofit_config_modtran["input"][ "radiometry_correction_file" ] = paths.rdn_factors_path # write modtran_template with open(paths.isofit_full_config_path, "w") as fout: fout.write( json.dumps( isofit_config_modtran, cls=SerialEncoder, indent=4, sort_keys=True ) )
[docs] def get_lut_subset(vals): """Populate lut_names for the appropriate style of subsetting Args: vals: the values to use for subsetting """ if vals is not None and len(vals) == 1: return {"interp": vals[0]} elif vals is not None and len(vals) > 1: return {"gte": vals[0], "lte": vals[-1]} else: return None
[docs] def write_modtran_template( atmosphere_type: str, fid: str, altitude_km: float, dayofyear: int, to_sun_zenith: float, to_sensor_azimuth: float, to_sensor_zenith: float, relative_azimuth: float, gmtime: float, elevation_km: float, output_file: str, ihaze_type: str = "AER_RURAL", ): """Write a MODTRAN template file for use by isofit look up tables Args: atmosphere_type: label for the type of atmospheric profile to use in modtran fid: flight line id (name) altitude_km: altitude of the sensor in km dayofyear: the current day of the given year to_sun_zenith: final altitude solar zenith angle (0→180°) to_sensor_azimuth: azimuth view angle to the sensor, in degrees (AVIRIS convention) to_sensor_zenith: sensor/observer zenith angle, in degrees (MODTRAN convention: 180 - AVIRIS convention) relative_azimuth: final altitude relative solar azimuth (0→360°) gmtime: greenwich mean time elevation_km: elevation of the land surface in km output_file: location to write the modtran template file to ihaze_type: type of extinction and default meteorological range for the boundary-layer aerosol model """ # make modtran configuration output_template = { "MODTRAN": [ { "MODTRANINPUT": { "NAME": fid, "DESCRIPTION": "", "CASE": 0, "RTOPTIONS": { "MODTRN": "RT_CORRK_FAST", "LYMOLC": False, "T_BEST": False, "IEMSCT": "RT_SOLAR_AND_THERMAL", "IMULT": "RT_DISORT", "DISALB": False, "NSTR": 8, "SOLCON": 0.0, }, "ATMOSPHERE": { "MODEL": atmosphere_type, "M1": atmosphere_type, "M2": atmosphere_type, "M3": atmosphere_type, "M4": atmosphere_type, "M5": atmosphere_type, "M6": atmosphere_type, "CO2MX": 410.0, "H2OSTR": 1.0, "H2OUNIT": "g", "O3STR": 0.3, "O3UNIT": "a", }, "AEROSOLS": {"IHAZE": ihaze_type}, "GEOMETRY": { "ITYPE": 3, "H1ALT": altitude_km, "IDAY": dayofyear, "IPARM": 12, "PARM1": relative_azimuth, "PARM2": to_sun_zenith, "TRUEAZ": to_sensor_azimuth, "OBSZEN": to_sensor_zenith, "GMTIME": gmtime, }, "SURFACE": { "SURFTYPE": "REFL_LAMBER_MODEL", "GNDALT": elevation_km, "NSURF": 1, "SURFP": {"CSALB": "LAMB_CONST_0_PCT"}, }, "SPECTRAL": { "V1": 340.0, "V2": 2520.0, "DV": 0.1, "FWHM": 0.1, "YFLAG": "R", "XFLAG": "N", "FLAGS": "NT A ", "BMNAME": "p1_2013", }, "FILEOPTIONS": {"NOPRNT": 2, "CKPRNT": True}, } } ] } # write modtran_template with open(output_file, "w") as fout: fout.write( json.dumps(output_template, cls=SerialEncoder, indent=4, sort_keys=True) )
[docs] def load_climatology( config_path: str, latitude: float, longitude: float, acquisition_datetime: datetime, isofit_path: str, lut_params: LUTConfig, ): """Load climatology data, based on location and configuration Args: config_path: path to the base configuration directory for isofit latitude: latitude to set for the segment (mean of acquisition suggested) longitude: latitude to set for the segment (mean of acquisition suggested) acquisition_datetime: datetime to use for the segment( mean of acquisition suggested) isofit_path: base path to isofit installation (needed for data path references) lut_params: parameters to use to define lut grid :Returns tuple containing: aerosol_state_vector - A dictionary that defines the aerosol state vectors for isofit aerosol_lut_grid - A dictionary of the aerosol lookup table (lut) grid to be explored aerosol_model_path - A path to the location of the aerosol model to use with MODTRAN. """ aerosol_model_path = os.path.join(isofit_path, "data", "aerosol_model.txt") aerosol_state_vector = {} aerosol_lut_grid = {} aerosol_lut_ranges = [ lut_params.aerosol_0_range, lut_params.aerosol_1_range, lut_params.aerosol_2_range, ] aerosol_lut_spacing = [ lut_params.aerosol_0_spacing, lut_params.aerosol_1_spacing, lut_params.aerosol_2_spacing, ] aerosol_lut_spacing_mins = [ lut_params.aerosol_0_spacing_min, lut_params.aerosol_1_spacing_min, lut_params.aerosol_2_spacing_min, ] for _a, alr in enumerate(aerosol_lut_ranges): aerosol_lut = get_grid( alr[0], alr[1], aerosol_lut_spacing[_a], aerosol_lut_spacing_mins[_a] ) if aerosol_lut is not None: aerosol_state_vector["AERFRAC_{}".format(_a)] = { "bounds": [float(alr[0]), float(alr[1])], "scale": 1, "init": float((alr[1] - alr[0]) / 10.0 + alr[0]), "prior_sigma": 10.0, "prior_mean": float((alr[1] - alr[0]) / 10.0 + alr[0]), } aerosol_lut_grid["AERFRAC_{}".format(_a)] = aerosol_lut.tolist() aot_550_lut = get_grid( lut_params.aot_550_range[0], lut_params.aot_550_range[1], lut_params.aot_550_spacing, lut_params.aot_550_spacing_min, ) if aot_550_lut is not None: aerosol_lut_grid["AOT550"] = aot_550_lut.tolist() alr = [aerosol_lut_grid["AOT550"][0], aerosol_lut_grid["AOT550"][-1]] aerosol_state_vector["AOT550"] = { "bounds": [float(alr[0]), float(alr[1])], "scale": 1, "init": float((alr[1] - alr[0]) / 10.0 + alr[0]), "prior_sigma": 10.0, "prior_mean": float((alr[1] - alr[0]) / 10.0 + alr[0]), }"Loading Climatology") # If a configuration path has been provided, use it to get relevant info if config_path is not None: month = acquisition_datetime.timetuple().tm_mon year = acquisition_datetime.timetuple().tm_year with open(config_path, "r") as fin: for case in json.load(fin)["cases"]: match = True"matching", latitude, longitude, month, year) for criterion, interval in case["criteria"].items():, interval, "...") if criterion == "latitude": if latitude < interval[0] or latitude > interval[1]: match = False if criterion == "longitude": if longitude < interval[0] or longitude > interval[1]: match = False if criterion == "month": if month < interval[0] or month > interval[1]: match = False if criterion == "year": if year < interval[0] or year > interval[1]: match = False if match: aerosol_state_vector = case["aerosol_state_vector"] aerosol_lut_grid = case["aerosol_lut_grid"] aerosol_model_path = case["aerosol_mdl_path"] break "Climatology Loaded. Aerosol State Vector:\n{}\nAerosol LUT Grid:\n{}\nAerosol" " model path:{}".format( aerosol_state_vector, aerosol_lut_grid, aerosol_model_path ) ) return aerosol_state_vector, aerosol_lut_grid, aerosol_model_path
[docs] def calc_modtran_max_water(paths: Pathnames) -> float: """MODTRAN may put a ceiling on "legal" H2O concentrations. This function calculates that ceiling. The intended use is to make sure the LUT does not contain useless gridpoints above it. Args: paths: object containing references to all relevant file locations Returns: max_water - maximum MODTRAN H2OSTR value for provided obs conditions """ max_water = None # TODO: this is effectively redundant from the radiative_transfer->modtran. Either devise a way # to port in from there, or put in utils to reduce redundancy. xdir = {"linux": "linux", "darwin": "macos", "windows": "windows"} name = "H2O_bound_test" filebase = os.path.join(paths.lut_h2o_directory, name) with open(paths.h2o_template_path, "r") as f: bound_test_config = json.load(f) bound_test_config["MODTRAN"][0]["MODTRANINPUT"]["NAME"] = name bound_test_config["MODTRAN"][0]["MODTRANINPUT"]["ATMOSPHERE"]["H2OSTR"] = 50 with open(filebase + ".json", "w") as fout: fout.write( json.dumps(bound_test_config, cls=SerialEncoder, indent=4, sort_keys=True) ) cmd = os.path.join( paths.modtran_path, "bin", xdir[platform], "mod6c_cons " + filebase + ".json" ) try:, shell=True, timeout=10, cwd=paths.lut_h2o_directory) except: pass with open(filebase + ".tp6", errors="ignore") as tp6file: for count, line in enumerate(tp6file): if "The water column is being set to the maximum" in line: max_water = line.split(",")[1].strip() max_water = float(max_water.split(" ")[0]) break if max_water is None: logging.error( "Could not find MODTRAN H2O upper bound in file {}".format( filebase + ".tp6" ) ) raise KeyError("Could not find MODTRAN H2O upper bound") return max_water
[docs] def define_surface_types( tsip: dict, rdnfile: str, obsfile: str, out_class_path: str, wl: np.array, fwhm: np.array, ): if np.all(wl < 10): wl = wl * 1000 fwhm = fwhm * 1000 irr_file = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(isofit.__file__), "..", "..", "data", "kurudz_0.1nm.dat" ) irr_wl, irr = np.loadtxt(irr_file, comments="#").T irr = irr / 10 # convert to uW cm-2 sr-1 nm-1 irr_resamp = resample_spectrum(irr, irr_wl, wl, fwhm) irr_resamp = np.array(irr_resamp, dtype=np.float32) irr = irr_resamp rdn_ds ="bip") obs_src = obs_ds = obs_src.open_memmap(interleave="bip") # determine glint bands having negligible water reflectance try: b1000 = np.argmin(abs(wl - tsip["water"]["toa_threshold_wavelengths"][0])) b1380 = np.argmin(abs(wl - tsip["water"]["toa_threshold_wavelengths"][1])) except KeyError: "No threshold wavelengths for water classification found in config file. " "Setting to 1000 and 1380 nm." ) b1000 = np.argmin(abs(wl - 1000)) b1380 = np.argmin(abs(wl - 1380)) # determine cloud bands having high TOA reflectance try: b450 = np.argmin(abs(wl - tsip["cloud"]["toa_threshold_wavelengths"][0])) b1250 = np.argmin(abs(wl - tsip["cloud"]["toa_threshold_wavelengths"][1])) b1650 = np.argmin(abs(wl - tsip["cloud"]["toa_threshold_wavelengths"][2])) except KeyError: "No threshold wavelengths for cloud classification found in config file. " "Setting to 450, 1250, and 1650 nm." ) b450 = np.argmin(abs(wl - 450)) b1250 = np.argmin(abs(wl - 1250)) b1650 = np.argmin(abs(wl - 1650)) classes = np.zeros(rdn_ds.shape[:2]) for line in range(classes.shape[0]): for sample in range(classes.shape[1]): zen = np.cos(np.deg2rad(obs_ds[line, sample, 4])) rho = (((rdn_ds[line, sample, :] * np.pi) / irr.T).T / np.cos(zen)).T rho[rho[0] < -9990, :] = -9999.0 if rho[0] < -9999: classes[line, sample] = -1 continue # Cloud threshold from Sandford et al. total = ( np.array( rho[b450] > tsip["cloud"]["toa_threshold_values"][0], dtype=int ) + np.array( rho[b1250] > tsip["cloud"]["toa_threshold_values"][1], dtype=int ) + np.array( rho[b1650] > tsip["cloud"]["toa_threshold_values"][2], dtype=int ) ) if rho[b1000] < tsip["water"]["toa_threshold_values"][0]: classes[line, sample] = 2 if total > 2 or rho[b1380] > tsip["water"]["toa_threshold_values"][1]: classes[line, sample] = 1 header = obs_src.metadata.copy() header["bands"] = 1 if "band names" in header.keys(): header["band names"] = "Class" output_ds = envi.create_image( envi_header(out_class_path), header, ext="", force=True ) output_mm = output_ds.open_memmap(interleave="bip", writable=True) output_mm[:, :, 0] = classes return classes
[docs] def copy_file_subset(matching_indices: np.array, pathnames: List): """Copy over subsets of given files to new locations Args: matching_indices (np.array): indices to select from (y dimension) from source dataset pathnames (List): list of tuples (input_filename, output_filename) to read/write to/from """ for inp, outp in pathnames: input_ds =, inp) header = input_ds.metadata.copy() header["lines"] = np.sum(matching_indices) header["samples"] = 1 output_ds = envi.create_image(envi_header(outp), header, ext="", force=True) output_mm = output_ds.open_memmap(interleave="bip", writable=True) input_mm = input_ds.open_memmap(interleave="bip", writable=True) output_mm[:, 0, :] = input_mm[matching_indices[:, :, 0], ...].copy()
[docs] def get_metadata_from_obs( obs_file: str, lut_params: LUTConfig, trim_lines: int = 5, max_flight_duration_h: int = 8, nodata_value: float = -9999, ) -> (List, bool, float, float, float, np.array, List, List): """Get metadata needed for complete runs from the observation file (bands: path length, to-sensor azimuth, to-sensor zenith, to-sun azimuth, to-sun zenith, phase, slope, aspect, cosine i, UTC time). Args: obs_file: file name to pull data from lut_params: parameters to use to define lut grid trim_lines: number of lines to ignore at beginning and end of file (good if lines contain values that are erroneous but not nodata max_flight_duration_h: maximum length of the current acquisition, used to check if we've lapped a UTC day nodata_value: value to ignore from location file :Returns: tuple containing: h_m_s - list of the mean-time hour, minute, and second within the line increment_day - indicator of whether the UTC day has been changed since the beginning of the line time mean_path_km - mean distance between sensor and ground in km for good data mean_to_sensor_azimuth - mean to-sensor azimuth for good data mean_to_sensor_zenith - mean to-sensor zenith for good data mean_to_sun_zenith - mean to-sun zenith for good data mean_relative_azimuth - mean relative to-sun azimuth for good data valid - boolean array indicating which pixels were NOT nodata to_sensor_zenith_lut_grid - the to-sensor zenith look up table grid for good data to_sun_zenith_lut_grid - the to-sun zenith look up table grid for good data relative_azimuth_lut_grid - the relative to-sun azimuth look up table grid for good data """ obs_dataset =, obs_file) obs = obs_dataset.open_memmap(interleave="bip", writable=False) valid = np.logical_not(np.any(np.isclose(obs, nodata_value), axis=2)) path_km = obs[:, :, 0] / 1000.0 to_sensor_azimuth = obs[:, :, 1] to_sensor_zenith = obs[:, :, 2] to_sun_azimuth = obs[:, :, 3] to_sun_zenith = obs[:, :, 4] time = obs[:, :, 9] # calculate relative to-sun azimuth delta_phi = to_sun_azimuth - to_sensor_azimuth delta_phi = delta_phi % 360 relative_azimuth = np.abs(delta_phi - 180) use_trim = trim_lines != 0 and valid.shape[0] > trim_lines * 2 if use_trim: actual_valid = valid.copy() valid[:trim_lines, :] = False valid[-trim_lines:, :] = False mean_path_km = np.mean(path_km[valid]) del path_km mean_to_sensor_azimuth = ( lut_params.get_angular_grid(to_sensor_azimuth[valid], -1, 0) % 360 ) mean_to_sensor_zenith = 180 - lut_params.get_angular_grid( to_sensor_zenith[valid], -1, 0 ) mean_to_sun_zenith = lut_params.get_angular_grid(to_sun_zenith[valid], -1, 0) mean_relative_azimuth = ( lut_params.get_angular_grid(relative_azimuth[valid], -1, 0) % 360 ) # geom_margin = EPS * 2.0 to_sensor_zenith_lut_grid = lut_params.get_angular_grid( to_sensor_zenith[valid], lut_params.to_sensor_zenith_spacing, lut_params.to_sensor_zenith_spacing_min, ) if to_sensor_zenith_lut_grid is not None: to_sensor_zenith_lut_grid = np.sort(180 - to_sensor_zenith_lut_grid) to_sun_zenith_lut_grid = lut_params.get_angular_grid( to_sun_zenith[valid], lut_params.to_sun_zenith_spacing, lut_params.to_sun_zenith_spacing_min, ) if to_sun_zenith_lut_grid is not None: to_sun_zenith_lut_grid = np.sort(to_sun_zenith_lut_grid) relative_azimuth_lut_grid = lut_params.get_angular_grid( relative_azimuth[valid], lut_params.relative_azimuth_spacing, lut_params.relative_azimuth_spacing_min, ) if relative_azimuth_lut_grid is not None: relative_azimuth_lut_grid = np.sort( np.array([x % 360 for x in relative_azimuth_lut_grid]) ) del to_sensor_azimuth del to_sensor_zenith del to_sun_azimuth del to_sun_zenith del relative_azimuth # Make time calculations mean_time = np.mean(time[valid]) min_time = np.min(time[valid]) max_time = np.max(time[valid]) increment_day = False # UTC day crossover corner case if max_time > 24 - max_flight_duration_h and min_time < max_flight_duration_h: time[np.logical_and(time < max_flight_duration_h, valid)] += 24 mean_time = np.mean(time[valid]) # This means the majority of the line was really in the next UTC day, # increment the line accordingly if mean_time > 24: mean_time -= 24 increment_day = True # Calculate hour, minute, second h_m_s = [np.floor(mean_time)] h_m_s.append(np.floor((mean_time - h_m_s[-1]) * 60)) h_m_s.append(np.floor((mean_time - h_m_s[-2] - h_m_s[-1] / 60.0) * 3600)) if use_trim: valid = actual_valid return ( h_m_s, increment_day, mean_path_km, mean_to_sensor_azimuth, mean_to_sensor_zenith, mean_to_sun_zenith, mean_relative_azimuth, valid, to_sensor_zenith_lut_grid, to_sun_zenith_lut_grid, relative_azimuth_lut_grid, )
[docs] def get_metadata_from_loc( loc_file: str, lut_params: LUTConfig, trim_lines: int = 5, nodata_value: float = -9999, pressure_elevation: bool = False, ) -> (float, float, float, np.array): """Get metadata needed for complete runs from the location file (bands long, lat, elev). Args: loc_file: file name to pull data from lut_params: parameters to use to define lut grid trim_lines: number of lines to ignore at beginning and end of file (good if lines contain values that are erroneous but not nodata nodata_value: value to ignore from location file pressure_elevation: retrieve pressure elevation (requires expanded ranges) :Returns: tuple containing: mean_latitude - mean latitude of good values from the location file mean_longitude - mean latitude of good values from the location file mean_elevation_km - mean ground estimate of good values from the location file elevation_lut_grid - the elevation look up table, based on globals and values from location file """ loc_dataset =, loc_file) loc_data = loc_dataset.open_memmap(interleave="bsq", writable=False) valid = np.logical_not(np.any(loc_data == nodata_value, axis=0)) use_trim = trim_lines != 0 and valid.shape[0] > trim_lines * 2 if use_trim: valid[:trim_lines, :] = False valid[-trim_lines:, :] = False # Grab zensor position and orientation information mean_latitude = lut_params.get_angular_grid(loc_data[1, valid].flatten(), -1, 0) mean_longitude = lut_params.get_angular_grid( -1 * loc_data[0, valid].flatten(), -1, 0 ) mean_elevation_km = np.mean(loc_data[2, valid]) / 1000.0 # make elevation grid min_elev = np.min(loc_data[2, valid]) / 1000.0 max_elev = np.max(loc_data[2, valid]) / 1000.0 if pressure_elevation: min_elev = max(min_elev - 2, 0) max_elev += 2 elevation_lut_grid = lut_params.get_grid( min_elev, max_elev, lut_params.elevation_spacing, lut_params.elevation_spacing_min, ) return mean_latitude, mean_longitude, mean_elevation_km, elevation_lut_grid
[docs] def reassemble_cube(matching_indices: np.array, paths: Pathnames): """Copy over subsets of given files to new locations Args: matching_indices (np.array): indices to select from (y dimension) from source dataset paths (Pathnames): output file array set """"Reassemble {paths.rfl_subs_path}") input_ds =["base"]["rfl"])) header = input_ds.metadata.copy() header["lines"] = len(matching_indices) output_ds = envi.create_image( envi_header(paths.rfl_subs_path), header, ext="", force=True ) output_mm = output_ds.open_memmap(interleave="bip", writable=True) for _st, surface_type in enumerate(list(paths.surface_config_paths.keys())): if np.sum(matching_indices == _st) > 0: input_ds = envi_header(paths.surface_subs_files[surface_type]["rfl"]) ) output_mm[matching_indices == _st, ...] = input_ds.open_memmap( interleave="bip" ).copy()[:, 0, :] # TODO: only records reflectance uncertainties, could grab additional states (consistent between classes)"Reassemble {paths.uncert_subs_path}") input_ds =["base"]["uncert"])) rdn_ds =["base"]["rdn"])) header = input_ds.metadata.copy() header["lines"] = len(matching_indices) header["bands"] = rdn_ds.metadata["bands"] if "band names" in header.keys(): header["band names"] = [ input_ds.metadata["band names"][x] for x in range(int(header["bands"])) ] output_ds = envi.create_image( envi_header(paths.uncert_subs_path), header, ext="", force=True ) output_mm = output_ds.open_memmap(interleave="bip", writable=True) for _st, surface_type in enumerate(list(paths.surface_config_paths.keys())): if np.sum(matching_indices == _st) > 0: input_ds = envi_header(paths.surface_subs_files[surface_type]["uncert"]) ) output_mm[matching_indices == _st, ...] = input_ds.open_memmap( interleave="bip" )[:, :, : int(header["bands"])].copy()[:, 0, :]