Source code for isofit.utils.empirical_line

#! /usr/bin/env python3
#  Copyright 2019 California Institute of Technology
#  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
#  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
#  You may obtain a copy of the License at
#  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
#  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
#  limitations under the License.
# ISOFIT: Imaging Spectrometer Optimal FITting
# Author: David R Thompson,

import logging
import multiprocessing
import time
from types import SimpleNamespace

import click
import numpy as np
from scipy.linalg import inv
from scipy.spatial import KDTree
from import envi

from isofit import ray
from isofit.configs import configs
from isofit.core.common import envi_header
from isofit.core.fileio import write_bil_chunk
from isofit.core.instrument import Instrument

def _run_chunk(
    start_line: int,
    stop_line: int,
    reference_radiance_file: str,
    reference_reflectance_file: str,
    reference_uncertainty_file: str,
    reference_locations_file: str,
    input_radiance_file: str,
    input_locations_file: str,
    segmentation_file: str,
    isofit_config: str,
    output_reflectance_file: str,
    output_uncertainty_file: str,
    radiance_factors: np.array,
    nneighbors: int,
    nodata_value: float,
    loglevel: str,
    logfile: str,
) -> None:
        start_line: line to start empirical line run at
        stop_line:  line to stop empirical line run at
        reference_radiance_file: source file for radiance (interpolation built from this)
        reference_reflectance_file:  source file for reflectance (interpolation built from this)
        reference_uncertainty_file:  source file for uncertainty (interpolation built from this)
        reference_locations_file:  source file for file locations (lon, lat, elev), (interpolation built from this)
        input_radiance_file: input radiance file (interpolate over this)
        input_locations_file: input location file (interpolate over this)
        segmentation_file: input file noting the per-pixel segmentation used
        isofit_config: path to isofit configuration JSON file
        output_reflectance_file: location to write output reflectance to
        output_uncertainty_file: location to write output uncertainty to
        radiance_factors: radiance adjustment factors
        nneighbors: number of neighbors to use for interpolation
        nodata_value: nodata value of input and output
        loglevel: logging level
        logfile: logging file



        format="%(levelname)s:%(asctime)s ||| %(message)s",

    # Load reference images
    reference_radiance_img =
        envi_header(reference_radiance_file), reference_radiance_file
    reference_reflectance_img =
        envi_header(reference_reflectance_file), reference_reflectance_file
    reference_uncertainty_img =
        envi_header(reference_uncertainty_file), reference_uncertainty_file
    reference_locations_img =
        envi_header(reference_locations_file), reference_locations_file

    n_reference_lines, n_radiance_bands, n_reference_columns = [
        int(reference_radiance_img.metadata[n]) for n in ("lines", "bands", "samples")
    n_reference_uncertainty_bands = int(reference_uncertainty_img.metadata["bands"])

    # Load input images
    input_radiance_img =
        envi_header(input_radiance_file), input_radiance_file
    n_input_lines, n_input_bands, n_input_samples = [
        int(input_radiance_img.metadata[n]) for n in ("lines", "bands", "samples")

    input_locations_img =
        envi_header(input_locations_file), input_locations_file
    n_location_bands = int(input_locations_img.metadata["bands"])

    # Load output images
    output_reflectance_img =
        envi_header(output_reflectance_file), output_reflectance_file
    output_uncertainty_img =
        envi_header(output_uncertainty_file), output_uncertainty_file
    n_output_reflectance_bands = int(output_reflectance_img.metadata["bands"])
    n_output_uncertainty_bands = int(output_uncertainty_img.metadata["bands"])

    # Load reference data
    reference_locations_mm = reference_locations_img.open_memmap(
        interleave="bip", writable=False
    reference_locations = np.array(reference_locations_mm[:, :, :]).reshape(
        (n_reference_lines, n_location_bands)

    reference_radiance_mm = reference_radiance_img.open_memmap(
        interleave="bip", writable=False
    reference_radiance = np.array(reference_radiance_mm[:, :, :]).reshape(
        (n_reference_lines, n_radiance_bands)

    reference_reflectance_mm = reference_reflectance_img.open_memmap(
        interleave="bip", writable=False
    reference_reflectance = np.array(reference_reflectance_mm[:, :, :]).reshape(
        (n_reference_lines, n_radiance_bands)

    reference_uncertainty_mm = reference_uncertainty_img.open_memmap(
        interleave="bip", writable=False
    reference_uncertainty = np.array(reference_uncertainty_mm[:, :, :]).reshape(
        (n_reference_lines, n_reference_uncertainty_bands)
    reference_uncertainty = reference_uncertainty[:, :n_radiance_bands].reshape(
        (n_reference_lines, n_radiance_bands)

    if reference_class_file is not None:
        reference_class = np.squeeze(
                    envi_header(reference_class_file), reference_class_file
        un_reference_class = np.unique(reference_class)
        un_reference_class = un_reference_class[un_reference_class != -1]"Reference classes found: {un_reference_class}")
        reference_class = None

    # Load segmentation data
    if segmentation_file:
        segmentation_img =, segmentation_file)
        segmentation_img = segmentation_img.read_band(0)
        segmentation_img = None

    # Prepare instrument model, if available
    if isofit_config is not None:
        config = configs.create_new_config(isofit_config)
        instrument = Instrument(config)"Loading instrument")

        # Make sure the instrument is configured for single-pixel noise (no averaging)
        instrument.integrations = 1
        instrument = None

    # Load radiance factors
    if radiance_factors is None:
        radiance_adjustment = np.ones(
        radiance_adjustment = np.loadtxt(radiance_factors)

    # Load Tree
    loc_scaling = np.array([1e5, 1e5, 0.1])
    scaled_ref_loc = reference_locations * loc_scaling
    tree = KDTree(scaled_ref_loc)
    if reference_class is not None:
        trees = [
            KDTree(scaled_ref_loc[reference_class == _c, :])
            for _c in un_reference_class
    # Assume (heuristically) that, for distance purposes, 1 m vertically is
    # comparable to 10 m horizontally, and that there are 100 km per latitude
    # degree.  This is all approximate of course.  Elevation appears in the
    # Third element, and the first two are latitude/longitude coordinates

    # Iterate through image
    hash_table = {}

    for row in np.arange(start_line, stop_line):
        # Load inline input data
        input_radiance_mm = input_radiance_img.open_memmap(
            interleave="bip", writable=False
        input_radiance = np.array(input_radiance_mm[row, :, :])
        input_radiance = input_radiance * radiance_adjustment

        input_locations_mm = input_locations_img.open_memmap(
            interleave="bip", writable=False
        input_locations = np.array(input_locations_mm[row, :, :])

        output_reflectance_row = np.zeros(input_radiance.shape) + nodata_value
        output_uncertainty_row = np.zeros(input_radiance.shape) + nodata_value

        nspectra, start = 0, time.time()
        for col in np.arange(n_input_samples):
            x = input_radiance[col, :]
            if np.all(np.isclose(x, nodata_value)):
                output_reflectance_row[col, :] = nodata_value
                output_uncertainty_row[col, :] = nodata_value

            bhat = None
            if segmentation_img is not None:
                hash_idx = segmentation_img[row, col]
                if hash_idx in hash_table:
                    bhat, bmarg, bcov = hash_table[hash_idx]
                    loc = (
                        reference_locations[np.array(hash_idx, dtype=int), :]
                        * loc_scaling
                loc = input_locations[col, :] * loc_scaling

            if bhat is None:
                if reference_class is None:
                    dists, nn = tree.query(loc, nneighbors)
                    xv = reference_radiance[nn, :]
                    yv = reference_reflectance[nn, :]
                    uv = reference_uncertainty[nn, :]
                    dists, nn = tree.query(loc, 1)
                    loc_class = reference_class[nn]
                    tree_class = np.where(np.unique(reference_class) == loc_class)[0][0]
                    dists, nn = trees[tree_class].query(loc, nneighbors)
                    nn = nn[nn < np.sum(reference_class == loc_class)]
                    xv = reference_radiance[reference_class == loc_class, :][nn, :]
                    yv = reference_reflectance[reference_class == loc_class, :][nn, :]
                    uv = reference_uncertainty[reference_class == loc_class, :][nn, :]

                bhat = np.zeros((n_radiance_bands, 2))
                bmarg = np.zeros((n_radiance_bands, 2))
                bcov = np.zeros((n_radiance_bands, 2, 2))

                for i in np.arange(n_radiance_bands):
                    use = yv[:, i] > 0
                    n = sum(use)
                    X = np.concatenate((np.ones((n, 1)), xv[use, i : i + 1]), axis=1)
                    W = np.diag(np.ones(n))  # /uv[use, i])
                    y = yv[use, i : i + 1]
                        bhat[i, :] = (inv(X.T @ W @ X) @ X.T @ W @ y).T
                        bcov[i, :, :] = inv(X.T @ W @ X)
                        bhat[i, :] = 0
                        bcov[i, :, :] = 0
                    bmarg[i, :] = np.diag(bcov[i, :, :])

            if (segmentation_img is not None) and not (hash_idx in hash_table):
                hash_table[hash_idx] = bhat, bmarg, bcov

            A = np.array((np.ones(n_radiance_bands), x))
            output_reflectance_row[col, :] = np.multiply(bhat.T, A).sum(axis=0)

            # Calculate uncertainties.  Sy approximation rather than Seps for
            # speed, for now... but we do take into account instrument
            # radiometric uncertainties
            if instrument is None:
                output_uncertainty_row[col, :] = np.sqrt(
                    np.multiply(bmarg.T, A).sum(axis=0)
                Sy = instrument.Sy(x, geom=None)
                calunc = instrument.bval[: instrument.n_chan]
                output_uncertainty_row[col, :] = (
                    np.sqrt(np.diag(Sy) + pow(calunc * x, 2)) * bhat[:, 1]

            nspectra = nspectra + 1

        elapsed = float(time.time() - start)
            "row {}/{}, ({}/{} local), {} spectra per second".format(
                int(row - start_line),
                int(stop_line - start_line),
                round(float(nspectra) / elapsed, 2),

        del input_locations_mm
        del input_radiance_mm

        output_reflectance_row = output_reflectance_row.transpose((1, 0))
        output_uncertainty_row = output_uncertainty_row.transpose((1, 0))
        shp = output_reflectance_row.shape
        output_reflectance_row = output_reflectance_row.reshape((1, shp[0], shp[1]))
        shp = output_uncertainty_row.shape
        output_uncertainty_row = output_uncertainty_row.reshape((1, shp[0], shp[1]))

            (n_input_lines, n_output_reflectance_bands, n_input_samples),
            (n_input_lines, n_output_uncertainty_bands, n_input_samples),

[docs] def empirical_line( reference_radiance_file: str, reference_reflectance_file: str, reference_uncertainty_file: str, reference_locations_file: str, segmentation_file: str, input_radiance_file: str, input_locations_file: str, output_reflectance_file: str, output_uncertainty_file: str, nneighbors: int = 400, nodata_value: float = -9999.0, level: str = "INFO", logfile: str = None, radiance_factors: np.array = None, isofit_config: str = None, n_cores: int = -1, reference_class_file: str = None, ) -> None: """ Perform an empirical line interpolation for reflectance and uncertainty extrapolation Args: reference_radiance_file: source file for radiance (interpolation built from this) reference_reflectance_file: source file for reflectance (interpolation built from this) reference_uncertainty_file: source file for uncertainty (interpolation built from this) reference_locations_file: source file for file locations (lon, lat, elev), (interpolation built from this) segmentation_file: input file noting the per-pixel segmentation used input_radiance_file: input radiance file (interpolate over this) input_locations_file: input location file (interpolate over this) output_reflectance_file: location to write output reflectance to output_uncertainty_file: location to write output uncertainty to nneighbors: number of neighbors to use for interpolation nodata_value: nodata value of input and output level: logging level logfile: logging file radiance_factors: radiance adjustment factors isofit_config: path to isofit configuration JSON file n_cores: number of cores to run on reference_class_file: optional source file for sub-type-classifications, in order: [base, cloud, water] Returns: None """ loglevel = level logging.basicConfig( format="%(levelname)s:%(asctime)s ||| %(message)s", level=loglevel, filename=logfile, datefmt="%Y-%m-%d,%H:%M:%S", ) # Open input data to check that band formatting is correct # Load reference set radiance reference_radiance_img = envi_header(reference_radiance_file), reference_radiance_file ) n_reference_lines, n_radiance_bands, n_reference_columns = [ int(reference_radiance_img.metadata[n]) for n in ("lines", "bands", "samples") ] if n_reference_columns != 1: raise IndexError("Reference data should be a single-column list") # Load reference set reflectance reference_reflectance_img = envi_header(reference_reflectance_file), reference_reflectance_file ) nrefr, nbr, srefr = [ int(reference_reflectance_img.metadata[n]) for n in ("lines", "bands", "samples") ] if ( nrefr != n_reference_lines or nbr != n_radiance_bands or srefr != n_reference_columns ): raise IndexError("Reference file dimension mismatch (reflectance)") # Load reference set uncertainty, assuming reflectance uncertainty is # recoreded in the first n_radiance_bands channels of data reference_uncertainty_img = envi_header(reference_uncertainty_file), reference_uncertainty_file ) nrefu, ns, srefu = [ int(reference_uncertainty_img.metadata[n]) for n in ("lines", "bands", "samples") ] if ( nrefu != n_reference_lines or ns < n_radiance_bands or srefu != n_reference_columns ): raise IndexError("Reference file dimension mismatch (uncertainty)") # Load reference set locations reference_locations_img = envi_header(reference_locations_file), reference_locations_file ) nrefl, lb, ls = [ int(reference_locations_img.metadata[n]) for n in ("lines", "bands", "samples") ] if nrefl != n_reference_lines or lb != 3: raise IndexError("Reference file dimension mismatch (locations)") input_radiance_img = envi_header(input_radiance_file), input_radiance_file ) n_input_lines, n_input_bands, n_input_samples = [ int(input_radiance_img.metadata[n]) for n in ("lines", "bands", "samples") ] if n_radiance_bands != n_input_bands: msg = "Number of channels mismatch: input (%i) vs. reference (%i)" raise IndexError(msg % (nbr, n_radiance_bands)) input_locations_img = envi_header(input_locations_file), input_locations_file ) nll, nlb, nls = [ int(input_locations_img.metadata[n]) for n in ("lines", "bands", "samples") ] if nll != n_input_lines or nlb != 3 or nls != n_input_samples: raise IndexError("Input location dimension mismatch") # Create output files output_metadata = input_radiance_img.metadata output_metadata["interleave"] = "bil" output_reflectance_img = envi.create_image( envi_header(output_reflectance_file), ext="", metadata=output_metadata, force=True, ) output_uncertainty_img = envi.create_image( envi_header(output_uncertainty_file), ext="", metadata=output_metadata, force=True, ) # Now cleanup inputs and outputs, we'll write dynamically above del output_reflectance_img, output_uncertainty_img del ( reference_reflectance_img, reference_uncertainty_img, reference_locations_img, input_radiance_img, input_locations_img, ) # Initialize ray cluster start_time = time.time() if isofit_config is not None: iconfig = configs.create_new_config(isofit_config) else: # If none, create a temporary config to get default ray parameters iconfig = configs.Config({}) if n_cores == -1: n_cores = iconfig.implementation.n_cores rayargs = { "ignore_reinit_error": iconfig.implementation.ray_ignore_reinit_error, "local_mode": n_cores == 1, "address": iconfig.implementation.ip_head, "_temp_dir": iconfig.implementation.ray_temp_dir, "include_dashboard": iconfig.implementation.ray_include_dashboard, "_redis_password": iconfig.implementation.redis_password, } # We can only set the num_cpus if running on a single-node if ( iconfig.implementation.ip_head is None and iconfig.implementation.redis_password is None ): rayargs["num_cpus"] = n_cores ray.init(**rayargs) n_ray_cores = multiprocessing.cpu_count() n_cores = min(n_ray_cores, n_input_lines) "Beginning empirical line inversions using {} cores".format(int(n_cores)) ) # Break data into sections line_sections = np.linspace(0, n_input_lines, num=int(n_cores + 1), dtype=int) start_time = time.time() # Run the pool (or run serially) results = [] for l in range(len(line_sections) - 1): args = ( line_sections[l], line_sections[l + 1], reference_radiance_file, reference_reflectance_file, reference_uncertainty_file, reference_locations_file, input_radiance_file, input_locations_file, segmentation_file, isofit_config, output_reflectance_file, output_uncertainty_file, radiance_factors, nneighbors, nodata_value, level, logfile, reference_class_file, ) results.append(_run_chunk.remote(*args)) _ = ray.get(results) total_time = time.time() - start_time "Parallel empirical line inversions complete. {} s total, {} spectra/s, {}" " spectra/s/core".format( total_time, line_sections[-1] * n_input_samples / total_time, line_sections[-1] * n_input_samples / total_time / n_cores, ) )
@click.command(name="empirical_line") @click.argument("reference_radiance_file", type=str) @click.argument("reference_reflectance_file", type=str) @click.argument("reference_uncertainty_file", type=str) @click.argument("reference_locations_file", type=str) @click.argument("segmentation_file", type=str) @click.argument("input_radiance_file", type=str) @click.argument("input_locations_file", type=str) @click.argument("output_reflectance_file", type=str) @click.argument("output_uncertainty_file", type=str) @click.option("--nneighbors", default=400, type=int, help="Number of neighbors") @click.option("--nodata_value", default=-9999.0, type=float, help="Nodata value") @click.option("--level", default="INFO", type=str, help="Logging level") @click.option("--logfile", default=None, type=str, help="Log file path") @click.option("--radiance_factors", default=None, type=str, help="Radiance factors") @click.option("--isofit_config", default=None, type=str, help="Isofit config") @click.option("--n_cores", default=-1, type=int, help="Number of cores") @click.option( "--reference_class_file", default=None, type=str, help="Reference class file" ) def cli_empirical_line(**kwargs): """Run empirical line""" empirical_line(SimpleNamespace(**kwargs)) click.echo("Done")