Source code for isofit.utils.atm_interpolation

#! /usr/bin/env python3
#  Copyright 2019 California Institute of Technology
#  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
#  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
#  You may obtain a copy of the License at
#  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
#  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
#  limitations under the License.
# ISOFIT: Imaging Spectrometer Optimal FITting
# Author: Philip G. Brodrick,
import logging
import multiprocessing
import time
from typing import List

import numpy as np
from scipy.linalg import inv
from scipy.ndimage import gaussian_filter
from scipy.spatial import KDTree
from import envi

from isofit import ray
from isofit.core.common import envi_header
from isofit.core.fileio import write_bil_chunk
from isofit.core.forward import ForwardModel

def _run_chunk(
    start_line: int,
    stop_line: int,
    reference_state_file: str,
    reference_locations_file: str,
    input_locations_file: str,
    segmentation_file: str,
    output_atm_file: str,
    atm_band_names: list,
    nneighbors: list,
    nodata_value: float,
    loglevel: str,
    logfile: str,
) -> None:
        start_line:               line to start empirical line run at
        stop_line:                line to stop empirical line run at
        reference_state_file:     source file for retrieved superpixel state
        reference_locations_file: source file for file locations (lon, lat, elev), (interpolation built from this)
        input_locations_file:     input location file (interpolate over this)
        segmentation_file:        input file noting the per-pixel segmentation used
        output_atm_file:          output file for interpolated and smoothed per pixel atmospheric state
        atm_band_names:           names of atmospheric state parameters
        nneighbors:               number of neighbors to use for interpolation
        nodata_value:             nodata value of input and output
        loglevel:                 logging level
        logfile:                  logging file
        format="%(levelname)s:%(asctime)s ||| %(message)s",

    # Load reference images
    reference_state_img =
        envi_header(reference_state_file), reference_state_file
    reference_locations_img =
        envi_header(reference_locations_file), reference_locations_file

    n_reference_lines, n_state_bands, n_reference_columns = [
        int(reference_state_img.metadata[n]) for n in ("lines", "bands", "samples")

    # Load input images
    input_locations_img =
        envi_header(input_locations_file), input_locations_file
    n_location_bands = int(input_locations_img.metadata["bands"])
    n_input_samples = input_locations_img.shape[1]
    n_input_lines = input_locations_img.shape[0]

    # Load reference data
    reference_locations_mm = reference_locations_img.open_memmap(
        interleave="bip", writable=False
    reference_locations = np.array(reference_locations_mm[:, :, :]).reshape(
        (n_reference_lines, n_location_bands)

    atm_bands = np.where(
            [x in atm_band_names for x in reference_state_img.metadata["band names"]]
    n_atm_bands = len(atm_bands)
    reference_state_mm = reference_state_img.open_memmap(
        interleave="bip", writable=False
    reference_state = np.array(reference_state_mm[:, :, atm_bands]).reshape(
        (n_reference_lines, n_atm_bands)

    # Load segmentation data
    if segmentation_file:
        segmentation_img =, segmentation_file)
        segmentation_img = segmentation_img.read_band(0)
        segmentation_img = None

    # Load Tree
    loc_scaling = np.array([1e6, 1e6, 0.01])
    scaled_ref_loc = reference_locations * loc_scaling
    tree = KDTree(scaled_ref_loc)
    # Assume (heuristically) that, for distance purposes, 1 m vertically is
    # comparable to 10 m horizontally, and that there are 100 km per latitude
    # degree.  This is all approximate of course.  Elevation appears in the
    # Third element, and the first two are latitude/longitude coordinates

    if len(nneighbors) == 1 and n_atm_bands != 1:
        logging.debug("assuming neighbors applies to all atm bands")
        nneighbors = [nneighbors[0] for n in range(n_atm_bands)]

    # Iterate through image
    hash_table = {}
    for row in np.arange(start_line, stop_line):
        if not np.all(segmentation_img[row, :] == 0):
            # Load inline input data
            input_locations_mm = input_locations_img.open_memmap(
                interleave="bip", writable=False
            input_locations = np.array(input_locations_mm[row, :, :])
            output_atm_row = np.zeros((n_input_samples, len(atm_bands))) + nodata_value
            nspectra, start = 0, time.time()

            for col in np.arange(n_input_samples):
                x = input_locations[col, :]

                if np.isclose(x, nodata_value).all():
                    output_atm_row[col, :] = nodata_value
                    x *= loc_scaling

                bhat = None
                hash_idx = segmentation_img[row, col]
                if hash_idx in hash_table:
                    bhat = hash_table[hash_idx]

                if bhat is None:
                    # Use the max number of neighbors...we'll zero out unwanted components below
                    dists, nn = tree.query(x, np.max(nneighbors))
                    xv = reference_locations[nn, :] * loc_scaling[np.newaxis, :]
                    yv = reference_state[nn, :]

                    # Zero out unwanted components
                    for _nneigh, nneigh in enumerate(nneighbors):
                        yv[nneigh:, _nneigh] = -10  # set to get filtered

                    bhat = np.zeros((n_atm_bands, xv.shape[1]))

                    for i in np.arange(n_atm_bands):
                        use = yv[:, i] > -5
                        n = sum(use)
                        # only use lat/lon here, ignore Z
                        X = np.concatenate((np.ones((n, 1)), xv[use, :-1]), axis=1)
                        W = np.diag(np.ones(n))  # /uv[use, i])
                        y = yv[use, i : i + 1]
                            bhat[i, :] = (inv(X.T @ W @ X) @ X.T @ W @ y).T
                            bhat[i, :] = 0

                        # if i == 0:
                        #    print(X, y, bhat)

                if (segmentation_img is not None) and not (hash_idx in hash_table):
                    hash_table[hash_idx] = bhat

                A = np.hstack((np.ones(1), x[:-1]))
                output_atm_row[col, :] = (bhat.T * A[:, np.newaxis]).sum(axis=0)

                nspectra = nspectra + 1

            elapsed = float(time.time() - start)
                "row {}/{}, ({}/{} local), {} spectra per second".format(
                    int(row - start_line),
                    int(stop_line - start_line),
                    round(float(nspectra) / elapsed, 2),

            del input_locations_mm

            output_atm_row = output_atm_row.transpose((1, 0))
            output_atm_row = np.zeros((n_atm_bands, segmentation_img.shape[1])) - 9999

            (n_input_lines, n_atm_bands, n_input_samples),

[docs] def atm_interpolation( reference_state_file: str, reference_locations_file: str, input_locations_file: str, segmentation_file: str, output_atm_file: str, atm_band_names: list, nneighbors: list = None, nodata_value: float = -9999.0, loglevel: str = "INFO", logfile: str = None, n_cores: int = -1, gaussian_smoothing_sigma: list = None, ) -> None: """ Perform an empirical line interpolation and gaussian smoothing to atmospheric parameters. Args: reference_state_file: source file for retrieved superpixel state reference_locations_file: source file for file locations (lon, lat, elev), (interpolation built from this) input_locations_file: input location file (interpolate over this) segmentation_file: input file noting the per-pixel segmentation used output_atm_file: output file for interpolated and smoothed per pixel atmospheric state atm_band_names: names of atmospheric state parameters nneighbors: number of neighbors to use for interpolation nodata_value: nodata value of input and output loglevel: logging level logfile: logging file n_cores: number of cores to run on gaussian_smoothing_sigma: sigma value to apply to gaussian smoothing of atmospheric parameters Returns: None """ if nneighbors is None: nneighbors = [400] if gaussian_smoothing_sigma is None: gaussian_smoothing_sigma = [2] logging.basicConfig( format="%(levelname)s:%(asctime)s ||| %(message)s", level=loglevel, filename=logfile, datefmt="%Y-%m-%d,%H:%M:%S", ) reference_state_img = input_locations_img = n_input_lines = int(input_locations_img.metadata["lines"]) n_input_samples = int(input_locations_img.metadata["samples"]) # Create output files output_metadata = reference_state_img.metadata output_metadata["interleave"] = "bil" output_metadata["lines"] = input_locations_img.metadata["lines"] output_metadata["samples"] = input_locations_img.metadata["samples"] output_metadata["band names"] = atm_band_names output_metadata["description"] = "Interpolated atmospheric state" output_metadata["bands"] = len(atm_band_names) output_metadata["bbl"] = ( "{" + ",".join([str(1) for n in range(len(atm_band_names))]) + "}" ) del output_metadata["fwhm"] del output_metadata["wavelength"] output_atm_img = envi.create_image( envi_header(output_atm_file), ext="", metadata=output_metadata, force=True ) # Now cleanup inputs and outputs, we'll write dynamically above del output_atm_img, reference_state_img, input_locations_img # Initialize ray cluster start_time = time.time() ray.init(**{"ignore_reinit_error": True, "local_mode": n_cores == 1}) n_ray_cores = multiprocessing.cpu_count() n_cores = min(n_ray_cores, n_input_lines)"Beginning atmospheric interpolation {n_cores} cores") # Break data into sections line_sections = np.linspace(0, n_input_lines, num=int(n_cores + 1), dtype=int) start_time = time.time() # Run the pool (or run serially) args = ( reference_state_file, reference_locations_file, input_locations_file, segmentation_file, output_atm_file, atm_band_names, nneighbors, nodata_value, loglevel, logfile, ) jobs = [ _run_chunk.remote(line_sections[l], line_sections[l + 1], *args) for l in range(len(line_sections) - 1) ] _ = [ray.get(jid) for jid in jobs] total_time = time.time() - start_time "Parallel atmospheric interpolations complete. {} s total, {} spectra/s, {}" " spectra/s/core".format( total_time, line_sections[-1] * n_input_samples / total_time, line_sections[-1] * n_input_samples / total_time / n_cores, ) ) atm_img = ("bip").copy() ) if len(gaussian_smoothing_sigma) == 1 and atm_img.shape[-1] != 1: logging.debug("assuming gaussian smoothing applies to all atm bands") gaussian_smoothing_sigma = [ gaussian_smoothing_sigma[0] for n in range(atm_img.shape[-1]) ] for n in range(atm_img.shape[-1]): if gaussian_smoothing_sigma[n] > 0: null = atm_img[..., n] == -9999 V = atm_img[..., n] V[null] = 0 VV = gaussian_filter(V, sigma=gaussian_smoothing_sigma[n]) W = 0 * atm_img[..., n] + 1 W[null] = 0 WW = gaussian_filter(W, sigma=gaussian_smoothing_sigma[n]) smoothed = VV / WW atm_img[..., n] = smoothed atm_img = atm_img.transpose((0, 2, 1)) write_bil_chunk(atm_img, output_atm_file, 0, atm_img.shape)