Source code for isofit.utils.analytical_line

#! /usr/bin/env python3
#  Copyright 2018 California Institute of Technology
#  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
#  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
#  You may obtain a copy of the License at
#  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
#  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
#  limitations under the License.
# ISOFIT: Imaging Spectrometer Optimal FITting
# Author: Philip G. Brodrick,

import logging
import multiprocessing
import os
import time
from collections import OrderedDict
from glob import glob

import click
import numpy as np
from import envi

from isofit import ray
from isofit.configs import configs
from isofit.core.common import envi_header, load_spectrum
from isofit.core.fileio import write_bil_chunk
from isofit.core.forward import ForwardModel
from isofit.core.geometry import Geometry
from isofit.inversion.inverse import Inversion
from isofit.inversion.inverse_simple import invert_analytical
from isofit.utils.atm_interpolation import atm_interpolation

[docs] def analytical_line( rdn_file: str, loc_file: str, obs_file: str, isofit_dir: str, isofit_config: str = None, segmentation_file: str = None, n_atm_neighbors: list = None, n_cores: int = -1, smoothing_sigma: list = None, output_rfl_file: str = None, output_unc_file: str = None, atm_file: str = None, loglevel: str = "INFO", logfile: str = None, ) -> None: """ TODO: Description """ if n_atm_neighbors is None: n_atm_neighbors = [20] if smoothing_sigma is None: smoothing_sigma = [2] logging.basicConfig( format="%(levelname)s:%(asctime)s ||| %(message)s", level=loglevel, filename=logfile, datefmt="%Y-%m-%d,%H:%M:%S", ) if isofit_config is None: file = glob(os.path.join(isofit_dir, "config", "") + "*_isofit.json")[0] else: file = isofit_config config = configs.create_new_config(file) config.forward_model.instrument.integrations = 1 subs_state_file = config.output.estimated_state_file subs_loc_file = config.input.loc_file if ( segmentation_file is None or config.forward_model.surface.surface_category == "glint_model_surface" ): lbl_file = subs_state_file.replace("_subs_state", "_lbl") else: lbl_file = segmentation_file if ( output_rfl_file is None or config.forward_model.surface.surface_category == "glint_model_surface" ): analytical_state_file = subs_state_file.replace( "_subs_state", "_state_analytical" ) else: analytical_state_file = output_rfl_file if ( output_unc_file is None or config.forward_model.surface.surface_category == "glint_model_surface" ): analytical_state_unc_file = subs_state_file.replace( "_subs_state", "_state_analytical_uncert" ) else: analytical_state_unc_file = output_unc_file if ( atm_file is None or config.forward_model.surface.surface_category == "glint_model_surface" ): atm_file = subs_state_file.replace("_subs_state", "_atm_interp") else: atm_file = atm_file fm = ForwardModel(config) iv = Inversion(config, fm) if os.path.isfile(atm_file) is False: atm_interpolation( reference_state_file=subs_state_file, reference_locations_file=subs_loc_file, input_locations_file=loc_file, segmentation_file=lbl_file, output_atm_file=atm_file, atm_band_names=fm.RT.statevec_names, nneighbors=n_atm_neighbors, gaussian_smoothing_sigma=smoothing_sigma, ) rdn_ds = rdn = rdn_ds.open_memmap(interleave="bip") rdns = rdn.shape output_metadata = rdn_ds.metadata output_metadata["interleave"] = "bil" output_metadata["description"] = "L2A Analytyical per-pixel surface retrieval" output_metadata["bands"] = str(len(fm.idx_surface)) outside_ret_windows = np.zeros(len(fm.surface.idx_lamb), dtype=int) outside_ret_windows[iv.winidx] = 1 output_metadata["bbl"] = "{" + ",".join([str(x) for x in outside_ret_windows]) + "}" if "emit pge input files" in list(output_metadata.keys()): del output_metadata["emit pge input files"] img = envi.create_image( envi_header(analytical_state_file), ext="", metadata=output_metadata, force=True ) del img img = envi.create_image( envi_header(analytical_state_unc_file), ext="", metadata=output_metadata, force=True, ) del rdn, img ray_dict = { "ignore_reinit_error": config.implementation.ray_ignore_reinit_error, "address": config.implementation.ip_head, "_temp_dir": config.implementation.ray_temp_dir, "include_dashboard": config.implementation.ray_include_dashboard, "_redis_password": config.implementation.redis_password, "num_cpus": n_cores, } ray.init(**ray_dict) n_workers = n_cores if n_workers == -1: n_workers = multiprocessing.cpu_count() wargs = [ ray.put(obj) for obj in ( config, fm, atm_file, analytical_state_file, analytical_state_unc_file, rdn_file, loc_file, obs_file, loglevel, logfile, ) ] workers = ray.util.ActorPool([Worker.remote(*wargs) for _ in range(n_workers)]) line_breaks = np.linspace( 0, rdns[0], n_workers * config.implementation.task_inflation_factor, dtype=int ) line_breaks = [ (line_breaks[n], line_breaks[n + 1]) for n in range(len(line_breaks) - 1) ] start_time = time.time() res = list(workers.map_unordered(lambda a, b: a.run_lines.remote(b), line_breaks)) total_time = time.time() - start_time f"Analytical line inversions complete. {round(total_time,2)}s total, " f"{round(rdns[0]*rdns[1]/total_time,4)} spectra/s, " f"{round(rdns[0]*rdns[1]/total_time/n_workers,4)} spectra/s/core" )
@ray.remote(num_cpus=1) class Worker(object): def __init__( self, config: configs.Config, fm: ForwardModel, RT_state_file: str, analytical_state_file: str, analytical_state_unc_file: str, rdn_file: str, loc_file: str, obs_file: str, loglevel: str, logfile: str, subs_state_file: str = None, lbl_file: str = None, ): """ Worker class to help run a subset of spectra. Args: fm: isofit forward_model loglevel: output logging level logfile: output logging file """ logging.basicConfig( format="%(levelname)s:%(asctime)s ||| %(message)s", level=loglevel, filename=logfile, datefmt="%Y-%m-%d,%H:%M:%S", ) self.config = config = fm self.iv = Inversion(self.config, self.completed_spectra = 0 self.hash_table = OrderedDict() self.hash_size = 500 self.RT_state_file = RT_state_file self.rdn_file = rdn_file self.loc_file = loc_file self.obs_file = obs_file self.analytical_state_file = analytical_state_file self.analytical_state_unc_file = analytical_state_unc_file if subs_state_file is not None and lbl_file is not None: self.subs_state_file = subs_state_file self.lbl_file = lbl_file else: self.subs_state_file = None self.lbl_file = None if config.input.radiometry_correction_file is not None: self.radiance_correction, wl = load_spectrum( config.input.radiometry_correction_file ) else: self.radiance_correction = None def run_lines(self, startstop: tuple) -> None: """ TODO: Description """ rdn ="bip") loc ="bip") obs ="bip") rt_state = interleave="bip" ) start_line, stop_line = startstop output_state = ( np.zeros( (stop_line - start_line, rt_state.shape[1], len( ) - 9999 ) output_state_unc = ( np.zeros( (stop_line - start_line, rt_state.shape[1], len( ) - 9999 ) for r in range(start_line, stop_line): for c in range(output_state.shape[1]): meas = rdn[r, c, :] if self.radiance_correction is not None: meas *= self.radiance_correction if np.all(meas < 0): continue x_RT = rt_state[r, c, - len(] geom = Geometry(obs=obs[r, c, :], loc=loc[r, c, :]) states, unc = invert_analytical(, self.iv.winidx, meas, geom, x_RT, 1, self.hash_table, self.hash_size, ) output_state[r - start_line, c, :] = states[-1][] output_state_unc[r - start_line, c, :] = unc[]"Analytical line writing line {r}") write_bil_chunk( output_state[r - start_line, ...].T, self.analytical_state_file, r, (rdn.shape[0], rdn.shape[1], len(, ) write_bil_chunk( output_state_unc[r - start_line, ...].T, self.analytical_state_unc_file, r, (rdn.shape[0], rdn.shape[1], len(, ) @click.command(name="analytical_line") @click.argument("rdn_file") @click.argument("loc_file") @click.argument("obs_file") @click.argument("isofit_dir") @click.option("--isofit_config", type=str, default=None) @click.option("--segmentation_file", help="TODO", type=str, default=None) @click.option("--n_atm_neighbors", help="TODO", type=int, default=20) @click.option("--n_cores", help="TODO", type=int, default=-1) @click.option("--smoothing_sigma", help="TODO", type=int, default=2) @click.option("--output_rfl_file", help="TODO", type=str, default=None) @click.option("--output_unc_file", help="TODO", type=str, default=None) @click.option("--atm_file", help="TODO", type=str, default=None) @click.option("--loglevel", help="TODO", type=str, default="INFO") @click.option("--logfile", help="TODO", type=str, default=None) def cli_analytical_line(**kwargs): """Execute the analytical line algorithm""" click.echo("Running analytical line") analytical_line(**kwargs) click.echo("Done") if __name__ == "__main__": raise NotImplementedError( " can no longer be called this way. Run as:\n isofit analytical_line [ARGS]" )