Source code for isofit.utils.add_HRRR_profiles_to_modtran_config

#! /usr/bin/env python3
#  Copyright 2018 California Institute of Technology
#  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
#  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
#  You may obtain a copy of the License at
#  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
#  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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# ISOFIT: Imaging Spectrometer Optimal FITting
# Author: Jay E Fahlen,

import json
import os
import time
import urllib.request
from copy import deepcopy
from datetime import date, timedelta

import click
import numpy as np
import pygrib

from isofit.core.common import json_load_ascii

[docs] class HRRR_to_MODTRAN_profiles: """ This class assumes that the MODTRAN config file has already been filled with the correct run data, including time, lat/lon, etc. """ def __init__(self, config_file): self.config = deepcopy(json_load_ascii(config_file)) self.modtran_config_filenames = self.config["modtran_config_json_filenames"] self.output_modtran_config_filenames = self.config[ "output_modtran_config_filenames" ] self.year_for_HRRR_profiles_in_modtran = self.config[ "year_for_HRRR_profiles_in_modtran" ] self.HRRR_data_library_path = self.config["HRRR_data_library_path"] for modtran_config_filename, output_modtran_config_filename in zip( self.modtran_config_filenames, self.output_modtran_config_filenames ): template = deepcopy(json_load_ascii(modtran_config_filename)["MODTRAN"]) ( prof_altitude_dict, prof_pressure_dict, prof_temperature_dict, prof_H2O_dict, ) = self.create_profiles(template) template[0]["MODTRANINPUT"]["ATMOSPHERE"]["NLAYERS"] = len( prof_altitude_dict["PROFILE"] ) template[0]["MODTRANINPUT"]["ATMOSPHERE"]["NPROF"] = 4 template[0]["MODTRANINPUT"]["ATMOSPHERE"]["PROFILES"] = [ dict(prof_altitude_dict), dict(prof_pressure_dict), dict(prof_temperature_dict), dict(prof_H2O_dict), ] template_str = json.dumps({"MODTRAN": template}) with open(output_modtran_config_filename, "w") as f: f.write(template_str) return
[docs] def create_profiles(self, template): """ Create MODTRAN profile strings from HRRR data. For example: print(self.prof_altitude) yields: { "TYPE": "PROF_ALTITUDE", "UNITS": "UNT_KILOMETERS", "PROFILE": [1.224, 2.000, 3.000, 4.000, 5.000, 6.000, 7.000, 8.000, 9.000, 10.000, 11.000, 12.000, 13.000, 14.000, 15.000, 16.000, 17.000, 18.000, 19.000] } """ lat = template[0]["MODTRANINPUT"]["GEOMETRY"]["PARM1"] lon = template[0]["MODTRANINPUT"]["GEOMETRY"]["PARM2"] gmtime = template[0]["MODTRANINPUT"]["GEOMETRY"]["GMTIME"] iday = template[0]["MODTRANINPUT"]["GEOMETRY"]["IDAY"] h1alt_km = template[0]["MODTRANINPUT"]["GEOMETRY"]["H1ALT"] gndalt_km = template[0]["MODTRANINPUT"]["SURFACE"]["GNDALT"] date_to_get = date(self.year_for_HRRR_profiles_in_modtran, 1, 1) + timedelta( iday - 1 ) grb_filename = download_HRRR( date_to_get, model="hrrr", field="prs", hour=[int(gmtime)], fxx=[0], OUTDIR=self.HRRR_data_library_path, ) # Read the HRRR file ( grb_lat, grb_lon, grb_geo_pot_height_m, grb_temperature_K, grb_rh_perc, grb_pressure_levels_Pa, ) = get_HRRR_data(grb_filename) # Find nearest spatial pixel r2 = (grb_lat - lat) ** 2 + (grb_lon - (-1 * lon)) ** 2 indx, indy = np.unravel_index(np.argmin(r2), r2.shape) # Grab the profile at the nearest spatial pixel geo_pot_height_profile_km = grb_geo_pot_height_m[:, indx, indy] / 1000 temperature_profile_K = grb_temperature_K[:, indx, indy] rh_profile_perc = grb_rh_perc[:, indx, indy] # Put them in order from lowest to highest sort_inds = np.argsort(geo_pot_height_profile_km) geo_pot_height_profile_km = geo_pot_height_profile_km[sort_inds] temperature_profile_K = temperature_profile_K[sort_inds] rh_profile_perc = rh_profile_perc[sort_inds] pressure_profile_atm = grb_pressure_levels_Pa[sort_inds] * 9.868e-6 # Interpolate to how MODTRAN seems to want them, following example # on p97 of MODTRAN 6 User's Manual if ( gndalt_km < geo_pot_height_profile_km[0] or h1alt_km > geo_pot_height_profile_km[-1] ): print("Cannot extrapolate from MODTRAN profiles!") raise ValueError n = np.floor(geo_pot_height_profile_km[-1]) - np.ceil(gndalt_km) mod_height_profile_km = [gndalt_km] + list(np.arange(n) + np.ceil(gndalt_km)) mod_temperature_profile_K = np.interp( mod_height_profile_km, geo_pot_height_profile_km, temperature_profile_K ) mod_rh_profile_perc = np.interp( mod_height_profile_km, geo_pot_height_profile_km, rh_profile_perc ) mod_pressure_profile_atm = np.interp( mod_height_profile_km, geo_pot_height_profile_km, pressure_profile_atm ) # Get water vapor saturation density (p 95 of MODTRAN 6 User's Manual) tr = 273.15 / mod_temperature_profile_K rho_sat = tr * np.exp(18.9766 - (14.9595 + 2.43882 * tr) * tr) # Get water mixing ratio in ppmV (p 95 of MODTRAN 6 User's Manual) mod_mixing_ratio_ppmV = ( rho_sat * 0.01 * mod_rh_profile_perc / 18.01528 * 22413.83 / mod_pressure_profile_atm / tr ) prof_altitude_dict = {} prof_altitude_dict["TYPE"] = "PROF_ALTITUDE" prof_altitude_dict["UNITS"] = "UNT_KILOMETERS" prof_altitude_dict["PROFILE"] = list(mod_height_profile_km) prof_pressure_dict = {} prof_pressure_dict["TYPE"] = "PROF_PRESSURE" prof_pressure_dict["UNITS"] = "UNT_PMILLIBAR" prof_pressure_dict["PROFILE"] = list( mod_pressure_profile_atm * 1013.25 ) # Convert atm millibar prof_temperature_dict = {} prof_temperature_dict["TYPE"] = "PROF_TEMPERATURE" prof_temperature_dict["UNITS"] = "UNT_TKELVIN" prof_temperature_dict["PROFILE"] = list(mod_temperature_profile_K) prof_H2O_dict = {} prof_H2O_dict["TYPE"] = "PROF_H2O" prof_H2O_dict["UNITS"] = "UNT_DPPMV" prof_H2O_dict["PROFILE"] = list(mod_mixing_ratio_ppmV) return ( prof_altitude_dict, prof_pressure_dict, prof_temperature_dict, prof_H2O_dict, )
[docs] def reporthook(a, b, c): """ Report download progress in megabytes """ # ',' at the end of the line is important! print( "\r % 3.1f%% of %.2f MB\r" % (min(100, float(a * b) / c * 100), c / 1000000.0), end="", )
[docs] def download_HRRR( DATE, model="hrrr", field="sfc", hour=range(0, 24), fxx=range(0, 1), OUTDIR="./" ): """ # Brian Blaylock # February 13, 2018 # Updated December 10, 2018 for Python 3 # Modified from original by Jay Fahlen to not download the file if it already exists. # March 4, 2020 Download archived HRRR files from MesoWest Pando S3 archive system. Please register before downloading from our HRRR archive: For info on the University of Utah HRRR archive and to see what dates are available, look here: Contact: Downloads from the University of Utah MesoWest HRRR archive Input: DATE - A date object for the model run you are downloading from. model - The model type you want to download. Default is 'hrrr' Model Options are ['hrrr', 'hrrrX','hrrrak'] field - Variable fields you wish to download. Default is sfc, surface. Options are fields ['prs', 'sfc','subh', 'nat'] hour - Range of model run hours. Default grabs all hours of day. fxx - Range of forecast hours. Default grabs analysis hour (f00). OUTDIR - Directory to save the files. Outcome: Downloads the desired HRRR file and renames with date info preceeding the original file name (i.e. 20170101_hrrr.t00z.wrfsfcf00.grib2) """ # Make OUTDIR if path doesn't exist if not os.path.exists(OUTDIR): os.makedirs(OUTDIR) # Loop through each hour and each forecast and download. for h in hour: for f in fxx: # 1) Build the URL string we want to download. # fname is the file name in the format # [model].t[hh]z.wrf[field]f[xx].grib2 # i.e. hrrr.t00z.wrfsfcf00.grib2 fname = "%s.t%02dz.wrf%sf%02d.grib2" % (model, h, field, f) URL = "" % ( model, field, DATE.strftime("%Y%m%d"), fname, ) # 2) Rename file with date preceeding original filename # i.e. 20170105_hrrr.t00z.wrfsfcf00.grib2 rename = "%s_%s" % (DATE.strftime("%Y%m%d"), fname) filename = OUTDIR + rename if not os.path.exists(filename): # 3) Download the file via https # Check the file size, make it's big enough to exist. check_this = urllib.request.urlopen(URL) file_size = int(["content-length"]) if file_size > 10000: print("Downloading:", URL) urllib.request.urlretrieve(URL, OUTDIR + rename, reporthook) print("\n") else: # URL returns an "Key does not exist" message print("ERROR:", URL, "Does Not Exist") # 4) Sleep five seconds, as a courtesy for using the archive. time.sleep(5) return filename
[docs] def get_HRRR_data(filename): grbs = msgs = [str(grb) for grb in grbs] string = "Geopotential Height:gpm" temp = [ msg for msg in msgs if msg.find(string) > -1 and msg.find("isobaricInhPa") > -1 ] pressure_levels_Pa = s.array([int(s.split(" ")[3]) for s in temp]) geo_pot_height_grbs = name="Geopotential Height", typeOfLevel="isobaricInhPa", level=lambda l: l > 0 ) temperature_grbs = name="Temperature", typeOfLevel="isobaricInhPa", level=lambda l: l > 0 ) rh_grbs = name="Relative humidity", typeOfLevel="isobaricInhPa", level=lambda l: l > 0 ) lat, lon = geo_pot_height_grbs[0].latlons() geo_pot_height = s.stack([grb.values for grb in geo_pot_height_grbs]) temperature = s.stack([grb.values for grb in temperature_grbs]) rh = s.stack([grb.values for grb in rh_grbs]) return lat, lon, geo_pot_height, temperature, rh, pressure_levels_Pa
@click.command(name="HRRR_to_modtran") @click.argument("config_file") def cli_HRRR_to_modtran(**kwargs): """Add HRRR profiles to MODTRAN""" click.echo("Running adding HRRR profiles to MODTRAN") HRRR_to_MODTRAN_profiles(**kwargs) click.echo("Done")