Source code for isofit.surface.surface_multicomp

#! /usr/bin/env python3
#  Copyright 2018 California Institute of Technology
#  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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# ISOFIT: Imaging Spectrometer Optimal FITting
# Author: David R Thompson,

import numpy as np
from import loadmat
from scipy.linalg import block_diag, norm

from isofit.configs import Config

from ..core.common import svd_inv
from .surface import Surface

[docs] class MultiComponentSurface(Surface): """A model of the surface based on a collection of multivariate Gaussians, with one or more equiprobable components and full covariance matrices. To evaluate the probability of a new spectrum, we calculate the Mahalanobis distance to each component cluster, and use that as our Multivariate Gaussian surface model. """ def __init__(self, full_config: Config): """.""" super().__init__(full_config) config = full_config.forward_model.surface # Models are stored as dictionaries in .mat format # TODO: enforce surface_file existence in the case of multicomponent_surface model_dict = loadmat(config.surface_file) self.components = list(zip(model_dict["means"], model_dict["covs"])) self.n_comp = len(self.components) self.wl = model_dict["wl"][0] self.n_wl = len(self.wl) # Set up normalization method self.normalize = model_dict["normalize"] if self.normalize == "Euclidean": self.norm = lambda r: norm(r) elif self.normalize == "RMS": self.norm = lambda r: np.sqrt(np.mean(pow(r, 2))) elif self.normalize == "None": self.norm = lambda r: 1.0 else: raise ValueError("Unrecognized Normalization: %s\n" % self.normalize) self.selection_metric = config.selection_metric self.select_on_init = config.select_on_init # Reference values are used for normalizing the reflectances. # in the VSWIR regime, reflectances are normalized so that the model # is agnostic to absolute magnitude. self.refwl = np.squeeze(model_dict["refwl"]) self.idx_ref = [np.argmin(abs(self.wl - w)) for w in np.squeeze(self.refwl)] self.idx_ref = np.array(self.idx_ref) # Cache some important computations self.Covs, self.Cinvs, self.mus = [], [], [] for i in range(self.n_comp): Cov = self.components[i][1] self.Covs.append(np.array([Cov[j, self.idx_ref] for j in self.idx_ref])) self.Cinvs.append(svd_inv(self.Covs[-1])) self.mus.append(self.components[i][0][self.idx_ref]) # Variables retrieved: each channel maps to a reflectance model parameter rmin, rmax = 0, 2.0 self.statevec_names = ["RFL_%04i" % int(w) for w in self.wl] self.bounds = [[rmin, rmax] for w in self.wl] self.scale = [1.0 for w in self.wl] self.init = [0.15 * (rmax - rmin) + rmin for v in self.wl] self.idx_lamb = np.arange(self.n_wl) self.n_state = len(self.statevec_names)
[docs] def component(self, x, geom): """We pick a surface model component using the Mahalanobis distance. This always uses the Lambertian (non-specular) version of the surface reflectance. If the forward model initialize via heuristic (i.e. algebraic inversion), the component is only calculated once based on that first solution. That state is preserved in the geometry object. """ if self.n_comp <= 1: return 0 elif hasattr(geom, "surf_cmp_init"): return geom.surf_cmp_init elif self.select_on_init and hasattr(geom, "x_surf_init"): x_surface = geom.x_surf_init else: x_surface = x # Get the (possibly normalized) reflectance lamb = self.calc_lamb(x_surface, geom) lamb_ref = lamb[self.idx_ref] lamb_ref = lamb_ref / self.norm(lamb_ref) # Mahalanobis or Euclidean distances mds = [] for ci in range(self.n_comp): ref_mu = self.mus[ci] ref_Cinv = self.Cinvs[ci] if self.selection_metric == "Mahalanobis": md = (lamb_ref - ref_mu) - ref_mu) else: md = sum(pow(lamb_ref - ref_mu, 2)) mds.append(md) closest = np.argmin(mds) if ( self.select_on_init and hasattr(geom, "x_surf_init") and (not hasattr(geom, "surf_cmp_init")) ): geom.surf_cmp_init = closest return closest
[docs] def xa(self, x_surface, geom): """Mean of prior distribution, calculated at state x. We find the covariance in a normalized space (normalizing by z) and then un- normalize the result for the calling function. This always uses the Lambertian (non-specular) version of the surface reflectance.""" lamb = self.calc_lamb(x_surface, geom) lamb_ref = lamb[self.idx_ref] mu = np.zeros(self.n_state) ci = self.component(x_surface, geom) lamb_mu = self.components[ci][0] lamb_mu = lamb_mu * self.norm(lamb_ref) mu[self.idx_lamb] = lamb_mu return mu
[docs] def Sa(self, x_surface, geom): """Covariance of prior distribution, calculated at state x. We find the covariance in a normalized space (normalizing by z) and then un- normalize the result for the calling function.""" lamb = self.calc_lamb(x_surface, geom) lamb_ref = lamb[self.idx_ref] ci = self.component(x_surface, geom) Cov = self.components[ci][1] Cov = Cov * (self.norm(lamb_ref) ** 2) # If there are no other state vector elements, we're done. if len(self.statevec_names) == len(self.idx_lamb): return Cov # Embed into a larger state vector covariance matrix nprefix = self.idx_lamb[0] nsuffix = len(self.statevec_names) - self.idx_lamb[-1] - 1 Cov_prefix = np.zeros((nprefix, nprefix)) Cov_suffix = np.zeros((nsuffix, nsuffix)) return block_diag(Cov_prefix, Cov, Cov_suffix)
[docs] def fit_params(self, rfl_meas, geom, *args): """Given a reflectance estimate, fit a state vector.""" x_surface = np.zeros(len(self.statevec_names)) if len(rfl_meas) != len(self.idx_lamb): raise ValueError("Mismatched reflectances") for i, r in zip(self.idx_lamb, rfl_meas): x_surface[i] = max( self.bounds[i][0] + 0.001, min(self.bounds[i][1] - 0.001, r) ) return x_surface
[docs] def calc_rfl(self, x_surface, geom): """Non-Lambertian reflectance.""" return self.calc_lamb(x_surface, geom)
[docs] def calc_lamb(self, x_surface, geom): """Lambertian reflectance.""" return x_surface[self.idx_lamb]
[docs] def drfl_dsurface(self, x_surface, geom): """Partial derivative of reflectance with respect to state vector, calculated at x_surface.""" return self.dlamb_dsurface(x_surface, geom)
[docs] def dlamb_dsurface(self, x_surface, geom): """Partial derivative of Lambertian reflectance with respect to state vector, calculated at x_surface.""" dlamb = np.eye(self.n_wl, dtype=float) nprefix = self.idx_lamb[0] nsuffix = self.n_state - self.idx_lamb[-1] - 1 prefix = np.zeros((self.n_wl, nprefix)) suffix = np.zeros((self.n_wl, nsuffix)) return np.concatenate((prefix, dlamb, suffix), axis=1)
[docs] def calc_Ls(self, x_surface, geom): """Emission of surface, as a radiance.""" return np.zeros(self.n_wl, dtype=float)
[docs] def dLs_dsurface(self, x_surface, geom): """Partial derivative of surface emission with respect to state vector, calculated at x_surface.""" dLs = np.zeros((self.n_wl, self.n_wl), dtype=float) nprefix = self.idx_lamb[0] nsuffix = len(self.statevec_names) - self.idx_lamb[-1] - 1 prefix = np.zeros((self.n_wl, nprefix)) suffix = np.zeros((self.n_wl, nsuffix)) return np.concatenate((prefix, dLs, suffix), axis=1)
[docs] def summarize(self, x_surface, geom): """Summary of state vector.""" if len(x_surface) < 1: return "" return "Component: %i" % self.component(x_surface, geom)