Source code for isofit.surface.surface

#! /usr/bin/env python3
#  Copyright 2018 California Institute of Technology
#  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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# ISOFIT: Imaging Spectrometer Optimal FITting
# Author: David R Thompson,

import logging

import numpy as np
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d

from isofit.configs import Config

from ..core.common import load_spectrum, load_wavelen

[docs] class Surface: """A model of the surface. Surface models are stored as MATLAB '.mat' format files. """ def __init__(self, full_config: Config): config = full_config.forward_model.surface self.statevec_names = [] self.bounds = np.array([]) self.scale = np.array([]) self.init = np.array([]) self.bvec = [] self.bval = np.array([]) self.idx_lamb = np.empty(shape=0) self.emissive = False self.wl = None self.fwhm = None if config.wavelength_file is not None: self.wl, self.fwhm = load_wavelen(config.wavelength_file) elif full_config.implementation.mode == "simulation": "No surface wavelength_file provided, getting wavelengths from" " input.reflectance_file" ) _, self.wl = load_spectrum(full_config.input.reflectance_file) if self.wl is not None: self.n_wl = len(self.wl)
[docs] def resample_reflectance(self): """Make sure model wavelengths align with the wavelength file.""" if hasattr(self, "rwl"): p = interp1d(self.rwl, self.rfl, fill_value="extrapolate") self.rfl = p(self.wl)
[docs] def xa(self, x_surface, geom): """Mean of prior state vector distribution calculated at state x.""" return np.array(self.init)
[docs] def Sa(self, x_surface, geom): """Covariance of prior state vector distribution calculated at state x.""" return np.zeros((0, 0), dtype=float)
[docs] def fit_params(self, rfl_meas, geom, *args): """Given a directional reflectance estimate and one or more emissive parameters, fit a state vector.""" return np.array([])
[docs] def calc_lamb(self, x_surface, geom): """Calculate a Lambertian surface reflectance for this state vector.""" return self.rfl
[docs] def calc_rfl(self, x_surface, geom): """Calculate the directed reflectance (specifically the HRDF) for this state vector.""" return self.rfl
[docs] def drfl_dsurface(self, x_surface, geom): """Partial derivative of reflectance with respect to state vector, calculated at x_surface. In the case that there are no free paramters our convention is to return the vector of zeros.""" return np.zeros((self.n_wl, 1))
[docs] def drfl_dsurfaceb(self, x_surface, geom): """Partial derivative of reflectance with respect to unmodeled variables, calculated at x_surface. In the case that there are no free paramters our convention is to return the vector of zeros.""" return np.zeros((self.n_wl, 1))
[docs] def calc_Ls(self, x_surface, geom): """Emission of surface, as a radiance.""" return np.zeros((self.n_wl,))
[docs] def dLs_dsurface(self, x_surface, geom): """Partial derivative of surface emission with respect to state vector, calculated at x_surface. In the case that there are no free paramters our convention is to return the vector of zeros.""" return np.zeros((self.n_wl, 1))
[docs] def summarize(self, x_surface, geom): """Summary of state vector.""" return ""