Source code for isofit.core.instrument

#! /usr/bin/env python3
#  Copyright 2018 California Institute of Technology
#  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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# ISOFIT: Imaging Spectrometer Optimal FITting
# Author: David R Thompson,

import logging

import numpy as np
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d, splev, splrep
from import loadmat
from scipy.signal import convolve

from isofit.configs import Config

from .common import (

### Variables ###

# Max. wavelength difference (nm) that does not trigger expensive resampling
wl_tol = 0.01

### Classes ###

[docs] class Instrument: def __init__(self, full_config: Config): """A model of the spectrometer instrument, including spectral response and noise covariance matrices. Noise is typically calculated from a parametric model, fit for the specific instrument. It is a function of the radiance level.""" config = full_config.forward_model.instrument # If needed, skip first index column and/or convert to nanometers self.wl_init, self.fwhm_init = load_wavelen(config.wavelength_file) self.n_chan = len(self.wl_init) self.fast_resample = config.fast_resample self.bounds = config.statevector.get_all_bounds() self.scale = config.statevector.get_all_scales() self.init = config.statevector.get_all_inits() self.prior_mean = np.array(config.statevector.get_all_prior_means()) self.prior_sigma = np.array(config.statevector.get_all_prior_sigmas()) self.statevec_names = config.statevector.get_element_names() self.n_state = len(self.statevec_names) if config.SNR is not None: self.model_type = "SNR" self.snr = config.SNR elif config.parametric_noise_file is not None: self.model_type = "parametric" self.noise_file = config.parametric_noise_file coeffs = np.loadtxt(self.noise_file, delimiter=" ", comments="#") p_a, p_b, p_c = [ interp1d(coeffs[:, 0], coeffs[:, col], fill_value="extrapolate") for col in (1, 2, 3) ] self.noise = np.array([[p_a(w), p_b(w), p_c(w)] for w in self.wl_init]) self.integrations = config.integrations elif config.pushbroom_noise_file is not None: self.model_type = "pushbroom" self.noise_file = config.pushbroom_noise_file D = loadmat(self.noise_file) self.ncols = D["columns"][0, 0] if self.n_chan != np.sqrt(D["bands"][0, 0]): logging.error("Noise model mismatches wavelength # bands") raise ValueError("Noise model mismatches wavelength # bands") cshape = (self.ncols, self.n_chan, self.n_chan) self.covs = D["covariances"].reshape(cshape) self.integrations = config.integrations elif config.nedt_noise_file is not None: self.model_type = "NEDT" self.noise_file = config.nedt_noise_file self.noise_data = np.loadtxt(self.noise_file, delimiter=",", skiprows=8) noise_data_w_nm = self.noise_data[:, 0] * 1000 noise_data_NEDT = self.noise_data[:, 1] nedt = interp1d(noise_data_w_nm, noise_data_NEDT)(self.wl_init) T, emis = 300.0, 0.95 # From Glynn Hulley, 2/18/2020 _, drdn_dT = emissive_radiance(emis, T, self.wl_init) self.noise_NESR = nedt * drdn_dT else: raise IndexError("Please define the instrument noise.") # This should never be reached, as an error is designated in the config read # We track several unretrieved free variables, that are specified # in a fixed order (always start with relative radiometric # calibration) self.bvec = ["Cal_Relative_%04i" % int(w) for w in self.wl_init] + [ "Cal_Spectral", "Cal_Stray_SRF", ] self.bval = np.zeros(self.n_chan + 2) if config.unknowns is not None: # First we take care of radiometric uncertainties, which add # in quadrature. We sum their squared values. Systematic # radiometric uncertainties account for differences in sampling # and radiative transfer that manifest predictably as a function # of wavelength. if config.unknowns.channelized_radiometric_uncertainty_file is not None: f = config.unknowns.channelized_radiometric_uncertainty_file u = np.loadtxt(f, comments="#") if len(u.shape) > 0 and u.shape[1] > 1: u = u[:, 1] self.bval[: self.n_chan] = self.bval[: self.n_chan] + pow(u, 2) # Uncorrelated radiometric uncertainties are consistent and # independent in all channels. if config.unknowns.uncorrelated_radiometric_uncertainty is not None: u = config.unknowns.uncorrelated_radiometric_uncertainty self.bval[: self.n_chan] = self.bval[: self.n_chan] + pow( np.ones(self.n_chan) * u, 2 ) # Radiometric uncertainties combine via Root Sum Square... # Be careful to avoid square roots of zero! small = np.ones(self.n_chan) * eps self.bval[: self.n_chan] = np.maximum(self.bval[: self.n_chan], small) self.bval[: self.n_chan] = np.sqrt(self.bval[: self.n_chan]) # Now handle spectral calibration uncertainties if config.unknowns.wavelength_calibration_uncertainty is not None: self.bval[-2] = config.unknowns.wavelength_calibration_uncertainty if config.unknowns.stray_srf_uncertainty is not None: self.bval[-1] = config.unknowns.stray_srf_uncertainty # Determine whether the calibration is fixed. If it is fixed, # and the wavelengths of radiative transfer modeling and instrument # are the same, then we can bypass computationally expensive sampling # operations later. self.calibration_fixed = True if ( config.statevector.GROW_FWHM is not None or config.statevector.WL_SHIFT is not None or config.statevector.WL_SPACE is not None ): self.calibration_fixed = False
[docs] def xa(self): """Mean of prior distribution, calculated at state x.""" return self.init.copy()
[docs] def Sa(self): """Covariance of prior distribution (diagonal).""" if self.n_state == 0: return np.zeros((0, 0), dtype=float) return np.diagflat(np.power(self.prior_sigma, 2))
[docs] def Sy(self, meas, geom): """Calculate measuremment error covariance. Kelvin Man Yiu Leung and Jayanth Jagalur Mohan (MIT) developed the noise clipping strategy. Input: meas, the instrument measurement Returns: Sy, the measurement error covariance due to instrument noise """ if self.model_type == "SNR": nedl = (1.0 / self.snr) * meas minimum_noise = np.sqrt(1e-7) bad = nedl < minimum_noise if np.any(bad): logging.debug( "SNR noise model found noise <= 0 - adjusting to slightly positive" " to avoid /0." ) nedl[bad] = minimum_noise return np.diagflat(np.power(nedl, 2)) elif self.model_type == "parametric": noise_plus_meas = self.noise[:, 1] + meas if np.any(noise_plus_meas <= 0): noise_plus_meas[noise_plus_meas <= 0] = 1e-5 logging.debug( "Parametric noise model found noise <= 0 - adjusting to slightly" " positive to avoid /0." ) nedl = np.abs( self.noise[:, 0] * np.sqrt(noise_plus_meas) + self.noise[:, 2] ) nedl = nedl / np.sqrt(self.integrations) return np.diagflat(np.power(nedl, 2)) elif self.model_type == "pushbroom": C = np.squeeze(self.covs.mean(axis=0)) return C / np.sqrt(self.integrations) elif self.model_type == "NEDT": return np.diagflat(np.power(self.noise_NESR, 2))
[docs] def dmeas_dinstrument(self, x_instrument, wl_hi, rdn_hi): """Jacobian of measurement with respect to the instrument free parameter state vector. We use finite differences for now.""" dmeas_dinstrument = np.zeros((self.n_chan, self.n_state), dtype=float) if self.n_state == 0: return dmeas_dinstrument meas = self.sample(x_instrument, wl_hi, rdn_hi) for ind in range(self.n_state): x_instrument_perturb = x_instrument.copy() x_instrument_perturb[ind] = x_instrument_perturb[ind] + eps meas_perturb = self.sample(x_instrument_perturb, wl_hi, rdn_hi) dmeas_dinstrument[:, ind] = (meas_perturb - meas) / eps return dmeas_dinstrument
[docs] def dmeas_dinstrumentb(self, x_instrument, wl_hi, rdn_hi): """Jacobian of radiance with respect to the instrument parameters that are unknown and not retrieved, i.e., the inevitable persisting uncertainties in instrument spectral and radiometric calibration. Input: meas, a vector of size n_chan Returns: Kb_instrument, a matrix of size [n_measurements x nb_instrument] """ # Uncertainty due to radiometric calibration meas = self.sample(x_instrument, wl_hi, rdn_hi) dmeas_dinstrument = np.hstack((np.diagflat(meas), np.zeros((self.n_chan, 2)))) # Uncertainty due to spectral calibration if self.bval[-2] > 1e-6: dmeas_dinstrument[:, -2] = self.sample( x_instrument, wl_hi, np.hstack((np.diff(rdn_hi), np.array([0]))) ) # Uncertainty due to spectral stray light if self.bval[-1] > 1e-6: ssrf = spectral_response_function(np.arange(-10, 11), 0, 4) blur = convolve(meas, ssrf, mode="same") dmeas_dinstrument[:, -1] = blur - meas return dmeas_dinstrument
[docs] def sample(self, x_instrument, wl_hi, rdn_hi): """Apply instrument sampling to a radiance spectrum, returning predicted measurement.""" if ( self.calibration_fixed and (len(self.wl_init) == len(wl_hi)) and all((self.wl_init - wl_hi) < wl_tol) ): return rdn_hi wl, fwhm = self.calibration(x_instrument) if rdn_hi.ndim == 1: return resample_spectrum(rdn_hi, wl_hi, wl, fwhm) else: resamp = [] # The "fast resample" option approximates a complete resampling # by a convolution with a uniform FWHM. if self.fast_resample: for i, r in enumerate(rdn_hi): ssrf = spectral_response_function(np.arange(-10, 11), 0, fwhm[0]) blur = convolve(r, ssrf, mode="same") resamp.append(interp1d(wl_hi, blur)(wl)) else: for i, r in enumerate(rdn_hi): r2 = resample_spectrum(r, wl_hi, wl, fwhm) resamp.append(r2) return np.array(resamp)
[docs] def simulate_measurement(self, meas, geom): """Simulate a measurement by the given sensor, for a true radiance sampled to instrument wavelengths. This basically just means drawing a sample from the noise distribution.""" Sy = self.Sy(meas, geom) mu = np.zeros(meas.shape) rdn_sim = meas + np.random.multivariate_normal(mu, Sy) return rdn_sim
[docs] def calibration(self, x_instrument): """Calculate the measured wavelengths.""" wl, fwhm = self.wl_init, self.fwhm_init space_orig = wl - wl[0] offset = wl[0] if "GROW_FWHM" in self.statevec_names: ind = self.statevec_names.index("GROW_FWHM") fwhm = fwhm + x_instrument[ind] elif any([v.startswith("FWHMSPL") for v in self.statevec_names]): # cubic spline perturbation channels, vals = [], [] for i, v in enumerate(self.statevec_names): if v.startswith("FWHMSPL"): chan = float(v.split("_")[1]) channels.append(chan) vals.append(x_instrument[i]) sp = splrep(channels, vals, s=0) xnew = np.arange(len(wl)) fwhm = fwhm + splev(xnew, sp) if "WL_SPACE" in self.statevec_names: ind = self.statevec_names.index("WL_SPACE") space = x_instrument[ind] else: space = 1.0 if "WL_SHIFT" in self.statevec_names: ind = self.statevec_names.index("WL_SHIFT") shift = x_instrument[ind] elif any([v.startswith("WLSPL") for v in self.statevec_names]): # cubic spline perturbation channels, vals = [], [] for i, v in enumerate(self.statevec_names): if v.startswith("WLSPL"): chan = int(v.split("_")[1]) channels.append(chan) vals.append(x_instrument[i]) sp = splrep(channels, vals, s=0) xnew = np.arange(len(wl)) shift = splev(xnew, sp) else: shift = 0.0 wl = offset + shift + space_orig * space return wl, fwhm
[docs] def summarize(self, x_instrument, geom): """Summary of state vector.""" if len(x_instrument) < 1: return "" return "Instrument: " + " ".join(["%5.3f" % xi for xi in x_instrument])