Source code for isofit.core.geometry

#! /usr/bin/env python3
#  Copyright 2018 California Institute of Technology
#  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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#  You may obtain a copy of the License at
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#  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
#  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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# ISOFIT: Imaging Spectrometer Optimal FITting
# Author: David R Thompson,

import logging
import os
from datetime import datetime

import numpy as np

import isofit

from .sunposition import sunpos

[docs] class Geometry: """The geometry of the observation, all we need to calculate sensor, surface, and solar positions.""" def __init__( self, obs: np.array = None, loc: np.array = None, dt: datetime = None, bg_rfl=None, ): # Set some benign defaults... self.observer_zenith = ( 0 # REVIEW: pytest/test_geometry asserts 0, change to None? ) self.observer_azimuth = ( 0 # REVIEW: pytest/test_geometry asserts 0, change to None? ) self.solar_zenith = None self.solar_azimuth = None self.observer_altitude_km = None self.surface_elevation_km = None self.earth_sun_distance = None self.esd_factor = None self.earth_sun_file = None self.earth_sun_distance_path = os.path.join( isofit.root, "data", "earth_sun_distance.txt" ) try: self.earth_sun_distance_reference = np.loadtxt(self.earth_sun_distance_path) except FileNotFoundError: logging.warning( "Earth-sun-distance file not found on system. " "Proceeding without might cause some inaccuracies down the line." ) self.earth_sun_distance_reference = np.ones((366, 2)) self.earth_sun_distance_reference[:, 0] = np.arange(1, 367, 1) self.bg_rfl = bg_rfl self.cos_i = None # The 'obs' object is observation metadata that follows a historical # AVIRIS-NG format. It arrives to our initializer in the form of # a list-like object... if obs is not None: self.path_length_km = obs[0] / 1000 self.observer_azimuth = obs[1] # 0 to 360 clockwise from N self.observer_zenith = obs[2] # 0 to 90 from zenith self.solar_azimuth = obs[3] # 0 to 360 clockwise from N self.solar_zenith = obs[4] # 0 to 90 from zenith # self.OBSZEN = 180.0 - abs(self.observer_zenith) # MODTRAN convention? # self.RELAZ = self.observer_azimuth - self.solar_azimuth + 180.0 # self.TRUEAZ = self.observer_azimuth # MODTRAN convention? self.cos_i = obs[8] # cosine of eSZA self.relative_azimuth = self.observer_azimuth - self.solar_azimuth + 180.0 # The 'loc' object is a list-like object that optionally contains # latitude and longitude information about the surface being # observed. self.latitude = None self.longitude = None if loc is not None: self.surface_elevation_km = loc[2] / 1000.0 self.latitude = loc[1] # Northing self.longitude = loc[0] # Westing if self.longitude < 0: self.longitude = 360.0 - self.longitude if loc is not None and obs is not None: self.observer_altitude_km = ( self.surface_elevation_km + self.path_length_km * np.cos(np.deg2rad(self.observer_zenith)) ) if dt is not None: self.esd_factor = self.get_esd_factor(dt)
[docs] def get_esd_factor(self, date_time: datetime): """Get distance ratio from sun based on time of year, relative to day 1 Args: date_time: datetime to search Returns: float: ratio of earth sun distnace based on datetime. """ day_of_year = date_time.timetuple().tm_yday return float(self.earth_sun_distance[day_of_year - 1, 1])