Source code for isofit.configs.sections.radiative_transfer_config

#! /usr/bin/env python3
#  Copyright 2018 California Institute of Technology
#  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
#  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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#  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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# ISOFIT: Imaging Spectrometer Optimal FITting
# Author: Philip G. Brodrick,

import logging
import os
from collections import OrderedDict
from typing import Dict, List, Type

import numpy as np

from isofit.configs.base_config import BaseConfigSection
from isofit.configs.sections.statevector_config import StateVectorConfig

[docs] class RadiativeTransferEngineConfig(BaseConfigSection): """ Radiative transfer unknowns configuration. """ def __init__(self, sub_configdic: dict = None, name: str = None): super().__init__() self._name_type = str = name """str: Name of config - optional, and not currently used.""" self._engine_name_type = str self.engine_name = None """str: Name of radiative transfer engine to use - options ['modtran', '6s', 'sRTMnet'].""" self._engine_base_dir_type = str self.engine_base_dir = None """str: base directory of the given radiative transfer engine on user's OS.""" self._engine_lut_file_type = str self.engine_lut_file = None """str: File containing the prebuilt LUT file (hdf5).""" self._wavelength_file_type = str self.wavelength_file = None """str: Optional path to wavelength file for high-res atmospheric calculations""" self._wavelength_range_type = list() self.wavelength_range = None """List: The wavelength range to execute this radiative transfer engine over.""" self._environment_type = str self.environment = None """str: Additional environment directives for the shell script.""" self._lut_path_type = str self.lut_path = None """str: The path to the look up table directory used by the radiative transfer engine.""" self._sim_path_type = str self.sim_path = None """str: Path to the simulation outputs for the radiative transfer engine.""" self._template_file_type = str self.template_file = None """str: A template file to be used as the base-configuration for the given radiative transfer engine.""" self._treat_as_emissive_type = bool self.treat_as_emissive = False """bool: Run the simulation in emission mode""" self._topography_model_type = bool self.topography_model = False """ Flag to indicated whether to use a topographic-flux (topoflux) implementation of the forward model. """ self._lut_names_type = dict() self.lut_names = None """Dictionary: Names of the elements to run this radiative transfer element on. Must be a subset of the keys in radiative_transfer->lut_grid. If not specified, uses all keys from radiative_transfer-> lut_grid. Auto-sorted (alphabetically) below.""" self._statevector_names_type = list() self.statevector_names = None """List: Names of the statevector elements to use with this radiative transfer engine. Must be a subset of the keys in radiative_transfer->statevector. If not specified, uses all keys from radiative_transfer->statevector. Auto-sorted (alphabetically) below.""" # MODTRAN parameters self._aerosol_template_file_type = str self.aerosol_template_file = None """str: Aerosol template file, currently only implemented for MODTRAN.""" self._aerosol_model_file_type = str self.aerosol_model_file = None """str: Aerosol model file, currently only implemented for MODTRAN.""" self._multipart_transmittance_type = bool self.multipart_transmittance = False """str: Use True to specify triple-run diffuse & direct transmittance estimation. Only implemented for MODTRAN.""" # MODTRAN simulator self._emulator_file_type = str self.emulator_file = None """str: Path to emulator model file""" self._emulator_aux_file_type = str self.emulator_aux_file = None """str: path to emulator auxiliary data - expected npz format""" self._interpolator_base_path_type = str self.interpolator_base_path = None """str: path to emulator interpolator base - will dump multiple pkl extensions to this location""" # 6S parameters - not the corcommemnd # TODO: these should come from a template file, as in modtran self._day_type = int = None """int: 6s-only day parameter.""" self._month_type = int self.month = None """int: 6s-only month parameter.""" self._elev_type = float self.elev = None """float: 6s-only elevation parameter.""" self._alt_type = float self.alt = None """float: 6s-only altitude parameter.""" self._obs_file_type = str self.obs_file = None """str: 6s-only observation file.""" self._solzen_type = float self.solzen = None """float: 6s-only solar zenith.""" self._solaz_type = float self.solaz = None """float: 6s-only solar azimuth.""" self._viewzen_type = float self.viewzen = None """float: 6s-only view zenith.""" self._viewaz_type = float self.viewaz = None """float: 6s-only view azimuth.""" self._earth_sun_distance_file_type = str self.earth_sun_distance_file = None """str: 6s-only earth-to-sun distance file.""" self._irradiance_file_type = str self.irradiance_file = None """str: 6s-only irradiance file.""" self.set_config_options(sub_configdic) if self.lut_names is not None: keys = list(self.lut_names.keys()) keys.sort() self.lut_names = {i: self.lut_names[i] for i in keys} if self.statevector_names is not None: self.statevector_names.sort() if self.interpolator_base_path is None and self.emulator_file is not None: self.interpolator_base_path = self.emulator_file + "_interpolator" "No interpolator base path set, and emulator used, so auto-setting" " interpolator path at: {}".format(self.interpolator_base_path) ) def _check_config_validity(self) -> List[str]: errors = list() # Check that all input files exist for key in self._get_nontype_attributes(): value = getattr(self, key) if value is not None and key[-5:] == "_file" and key != "emulator_file": if os.path.isfile(value) is False: errors.append( "Config value radiative_transfer->{}: {} not found".format( key, value ) ) valid_rt_engines = ["modtran", "6s", "sRTMnet"] if self.engine_name not in valid_rt_engines: errors.append( "radiative_transfer->raditive_transfer_model: {} not in one of the" " available models: {}".format(self.engine_name, valid_rt_engines) ) if self.multipart_transmittance and self.engine_name != "modtran": errors.append("Multipart transmittance is supported for MODTRAN only") if self.earth_sun_distance_file is None and self.engine_name == "6s": errors.append("6s requires earth_sun_distance_file to be specified") if self.irradiance_file is None and self.engine_name == "6s": errors.append("6s requires irradiance_file to be specified") if self.engine_name == "sRTMnet" and self.emulator_file is None: errors.append("The sRTMnet requires an emulator_file to be specified.") if self.engine_name == "sRTMnet" and self.emulator_aux_file is None: errors.append("The sRTMnet requires an emulator_aux_file to be specified.") if self.engine_name == "sRTMnet" and self.emulator_file is not None: if os.path.splitext(self.emulator_file)[1] != ".h5": errors.append( "sRTMnet now requires the emulator_file to be of type .h5. Please download an updated version from:\n" ) files = [ self.earth_sun_distance_file, self.irradiance_file, self.obs_file, self.aerosol_model_file, self.aerosol_template_file, ] for f in files: if f is not None: if os.path.isfile(f) is False: errors.append( "Radiative transfer engine file not found on system: {}".format( self.earth_sun_distance_file ) ) return errors
[docs] class RadiativeTransferUnknownsConfig(BaseConfigSection): """ Radiative transfer unknowns configuration. """ def __init__(self, sub_configdic: dict = None): super().__init__() self._H2O_ABSCO_type = float self.H2O_ABSCO = None self.set_config_options(sub_configdic) def _check_config_validity(self) -> List[str]: errors = list() return errors
[docs] class RadiativeTransferConfig(BaseConfigSection): """ Forward model configuration. """ def __init__(self, sub_configdic: dict = None): self._statevector_type = StateVectorConfig self.statevector: StateVectorConfig = StateVectorConfig({}) self._lut_grid_type = OrderedDict self.lut_grid = None self._unknowns_type = RadiativeTransferUnknownsConfig self.unknowns: RadiativeTransferUnknownsConfig = None self._interpolator_style_type = str self.interpolator_style = "mlg" """str: Style of interpolation. - mlg = Multilinear Grid - rg = RegularGrid Speed performance: mlg >> stacked rg >> unstacked rg Caching provides significant gains for rg, marginal for mlg""" self._overwrite_interpolator_type = bool self.overwrite_interpolator = False """bool: Overwrite any existing interpolator pickles""" self._cache_size_type = int self.cache_size = 16 """int: Size of the cache to store interpolation lookups. Defaults to 16 which provides the most significant gains. Setting higher may provide marginal gains.""" self.set_config_options(sub_configdic) # sort lut_grid for key, value in self.lut_grid.items(): self.lut_grid[key] = sorted(self.lut_grid[key]) self.lut_grid = OrderedDict(sorted(self.lut_grid.items(), key=lambda t: t[0])) # Hold this parameter for after the config_options, as radiative_transfer_engines # have a special (dynamic) load self._radiative_transfer_engines_type = list() self.radiative_transfer_engines = [] self._set_rt_config_options(sub_configdic["radiative_transfer_engines"]) def _set_rt_config_options(self, subconfig): if type(subconfig) is list: for rte in subconfig: rt_model = RadiativeTransferEngineConfig(rte) self.radiative_transfer_engines.append(rt_model) elif type(subconfig) is dict: for key in subconfig: rt_model = RadiativeTransferEngineConfig(subconfig[key], name=key) self.radiative_transfer_engines.append(rt_model) def _check_config_validity(self) -> List[str]: errors = list() for key, item in self.lut_grid.items(): if len(item) < 2: errors.append( "lut_grid item {} has less than the required 2 elements".format(key) ) if self.topography_model: for rtm in self.radiative_transfer_engines: if rtm.engine_name != "modtran": errors.append( "All self.forward_model.radiative_transfer.radiative_transfer_engines" ' must be of type "modtran" if forward_model.topograph_model is' " set to True" ) if rtm.multipart_transmittance is False: errors.append( "All self.forward_model.radiative_transfer.radiative_transfer_engines" " must have multipart_transmittance set as True if" " forward_model.topograph_model is set to True" ) for rte in self.radiative_transfer_engines: errors.extend(rte.check_config_validity()) kinds = ["rg", "nds", "mlg"] # Implemented kinds of interpolator functions kind = self.interpolator_style[:3] degrees = self.interpolator_style[4:] if kind not in kinds: errors.append( f"Interpolator style {self.interpolator_style} must be one of: {kinds}" ) if kind == "nds": try: degree = int(degrees) assert degree >= 0 and np.isfinite(degree) except: errors.append( "Invalid degree number. Should be an integer, e.g. nds-3, got" f" {degrees!r} from {self.interpolator_style!r}[4:]" ) return errors