Source code for isofit.configs.sections.inversion_config

#! /usr/bin/env python3
#  Copyright 2018 California Institute of Technology
#  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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# ISOFIT: Imaging Spectrometer Optimal FITting
# Author: Philip G. Brodrick,

from collections import OrderedDict
from typing import Dict, List, Type

from isofit.configs.base_config import BaseConfigSection

[docs] class InversionConfig(BaseConfigSection): """ Inversion configuration. """ def __init__(self, sub_configdic: dict = None): self._windows_type = list() = None """List[List[float]]: inversion retrieval windows to operate over.""" self._cressie_map_confidence_type = bool self.cressie_map_confidence = False """bool: N. Cressie [ASA 2018] suggests an alternate definition of S_hat for more statistically-consistent posterior confidence estimation, this flag runs in this mode""" self._mcmc_type = McmcConfig self.mcmc = McmcConfig({}) """MCMC parameters, only used if mode = mcmc.""" self._integration_grid_type = OrderedDict self.integration_grid = OrderedDict({}) """Grid of inversion points to execute if mode='grid'. Either fixed, or starting points, depending on self.fixed_inversion_grid""" self._priors_in_initial_guess_type = bool self.priors_in_initial_guess = True """Boolean to inidicate the use of surface priors outside of the inversion windows during the intial guess.""" self._inversion_grid_as_preseed_type = bool self.inversion_grid_as_preseed = False """Parameter indicating whether to treat the inversion grid as: (True) - a series of seeds for the optimization (variable by the optimization algorithm). (False) - a set of fixed points (not variable by the optimization algorithm) """ self._least_squares_params_type = LeastSquaresConfig self.least_squares_params = LeastSquaresConfig({}) """ Least squares parameters for core inversion solve. See for details. """ self.set_config_options(sub_configdic) def _check_config_validity(self) -> List[str]: errors = list() # TODO: add some checking to windows if is None and self.mode != "simulation": errors.append("windows is a required parameters inside of inversion") else: for subset in if isinstance(subset, List) is False: errors.append( "windows parameter must be a list of lists of wavelength ranges" ) elif subset[0] > subset[1]: errors.append( "In inversion window subset {}, wavelength ranges must be in" " order".format(subset) ) return errors
[docs] class McmcConfig(BaseConfigSection): """ MCMC inversion configuration. """ def __init__(self, sub_configdic: dict = None): self._iterations_type = int self.iterations = 10000 """int: Number of MCMC iterations to run.""" self._burnin_type = int self.burnin = 200 self._regularizer_type = float self.regularizer = 1e-3 self._proposal_scaling_type = float self.proposal_scaling = 0.01 self._verbose_type = bool self.verbose = True self._restart_every_type = int self.restart_every = 2000 self.set_config_options(sub_configdic) def _check_config_validity(self) -> List[str]: errors = list() # TODO: add flags for rile overright, and make sure files don't exist if not checked? return errors
[docs] class LeastSquaresConfig(BaseConfigSection): """ Least squares config parameters. """ def __init__(self, sub_configdic: dict = None): self._method_type = str self.method = "trf" """str: Optimzation method to use. Default 'trf'.""" self._max_nfev_type = int self.max_nfev = 20 """int: Maximum number of function evaluations before the termination. If None (default), the value is chosen automatically. Default 20.""" self._xtol_type = float self.xtol = None """float: Tolerance for termination by the change of the independent variables. Default is None, which disables termination from this criteria.""" self._ftol_type = float self.ftol = 0.01 """float: Tolerance for termination by the change of the cost function. Default is 0.01""" self._gtol_type = float self.gtol = None """float: Tolerance for termination by the norm of the gradient. Default is None, which disables termination from this criteria.""" self._tr_solver_type = str self.tr_solver = "lsmr" """str: Method for solving trust-region subproblems, relevant only for ‘trf’ and ‘dogbox’ methods. Options are None, 'exact', or 'lsmr'""" self.set_config_options(sub_configdic) def _check_config_validity(self) -> List[str]: errors = list() # TODO: add flags for rile overright, and make sure files don't exist if not checked? if self.tr_solver is not None: if self.tr_solver not in [None, "exact", "lsmr"]: errors.append( "Least squares tr_solver must be in [None, 'exact', 'lsmr']" ) return errors