Source code for isofit.configs.sections.implementation_config

#! /usr/bin/env python3
#  Copyright 2018 California Institute of Technology
#  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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# ISOFIT: Imaging Spectrometer Optimal FITting
# Author: Philip G. Brodrick,

import os
from typing import Dict, List, Type

from isofit.configs.base_config import BaseConfigSection
from isofit.configs.sections.inversion_config import InversionConfig

[docs] class ImplementationConfig(BaseConfigSection): def __init__(self, sub_configdic: dict = None): """ Input file(s) configuration. """ self._mode_type = str self.mode = "inversion" """ str: Defines the operating mode for isofit. Current options are: inversion, inversion_mcmc, and 'simulation'. """ self._inversion_type = InversionConfig self.inversion: InversionConfig = None """InversionConfig: optional config for running in inversion mode.""" self._n_cores_type = int self.n_cores = None """int: number of cores to use.""" self._task_inflation_factor_type = int self.task_inflation_factor = 10 """int: Submit task_inflation_factor*n_cores number of tasks.""" self._ip_head_type = str self.ip_head = None """str: Ray - parameter. IP-head (for multi-node runs).""" self._redis_password_type = str self.redis_password = None """str: Ray - parameter. Redis-password (for multi-node runs).""" self._ray_include_dashboard_type = bool self.ray_include_dashboard = False """str: Ray - parameter. Boolean to include dashboard.""" self._rte_configure_and_exit_type = bool self.rte_configure_and_exit = False """bool: Indicates that code should terminate as soon as all radiative transfer engine configuration files are written (without running them)""" self._rte_auto_rebuild_type = bool self.rte_auto_rebuild = True """bool: Flag indicating whether radiative transfer engines should automatically rebuild.""" self._ray_temp_dir_type = str self.ray_temp_dir = "/tmp/ray" """str: Overrides the standard ray temporary directory. Useful for multiuser systems.""" self._ray_ignore_reinit_error_type = bool self.ray_ignore_reinit_error = True """bool: Boolean to tell ray to ignore re-initilaization. Can be convenient for multiple Isofit instances.""" self._io_buffer_size_type = int self.io_buffer_size = 100 """bool: Integer indicating how large (how many spectra) of chunks to read/process/write. A buffer size of 1 means pixels are processed independently. Large buffers can help prevent IO choke points, especially if the """ self._max_hash_table_size_type = int self.max_hash_table_size = 50 """int: The maximum size of inversion hash tables. Can provide speedups with redundant surfaces, but comes with increased memory costs. """ self._debug_mode_type = bool self.debug_mode = False """bool: A flag to run the code in debug mode, which circumvents ray. """ self.set_config_options(sub_configdic) def _check_config_validity(self) -> List[str]: errors = list() valid_implementation_modes = ["inversion", "mcmc_inversion", "simulation"] if self.mode not in valid_implementation_modes: errors.append( "Invalid implementation mode: {}. Valid options are: {}".format( self.mode, valid_implementation_modes ) ) if self.mode != "simulation" and self.inversion is None: errors.append( "If running outside of simulation mode, Inversion must be defined" ) elif self.mode == "simulation" and self.inversion is None: # TODO: fix this errors.append( "Even in simulation mode, and inversion config must be defined, though" "it may be blank." ) if int(self.ip_head is not None) + int(self.redis_password is not None) == 1: errors.append( "If either ip_head or redis_password are specified, both must be" " specified" ) return errors